Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why we are scared of death when we know its eternal?

because we don%26#039;t really mean it when we say it%26#039;s eternal.
Why we are scared of death when we know its eternal?
Primal Self preservation instinct for me, others may say fear of what lies after,
Why we are scared of death when we know its eternal?
We know it is eternal but do not know what it is.Whatever is unknown makes us afraid.If we know the experience of death, we shall not be scared at all.
Reply:Do we know it is eternal? What about the hindus and buddhists?
Reply:realisation of the word %26quot;eternal%26quot; makes all the difference.
Reply:It may also be because we are afriad where we will go- up or down? Or lost in the void between them?
Reply:Dear friend,

telling these words like a parrot is not KNOWING.

the real thing is we do not really know it , we simply read and repeat it that Death takes us to another life and it is not the end.When REALLY WE KNOW IT WE WILL NEVER FEAR ARE SCARED OF DEATH,
Reply:We all like to live this life, which was given to us. When time comes to end it then dust goes to dust. Nothing to be scared of.
Reply:I%26#039;m not afraid of death, I just don%26#039;t want to be there when it happens.
Reply:%26quot;The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.%26quot; - Mark Twain

%26quot;To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?%26quot; - Socrates

%26quot;The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there%26#039;s no risk of accident for someone who%26#039;s dead.%26quot; - Albert Einstein

%26quot;I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.%26quot; - Winston Churchill
Reply:Dying is probably the easiest thing you can do.

It is hard to accept being non existent,but all troubles end there.
Reply:%26#039;We%26#039; do not know it is eternal, %26#039;we%26#039; believe it is eternal (I do not). Because %26#039;we%26#039; don%26#039;t know it for sure, %26#039;we%26#039; fear death.
Reply:Who says we%26#039;re all afraid of death? I%26#039;m not.

That%26#039;s an interesting question though, I%26#039;ll have to admit. We%26#039;re given all these messages of %26quot;heaven%26quot; and %26quot;afterlife%26quot;, and how great they are. (unless we sin of course, then it%26#039;s hell for us) However, if these places are so great, why are %26quot;we%26quot; so terrified of death? do we subconciously know, somewhere deep in our souls, that there really is nothing after? There%26#039;s no pearly gates, a place to rest our souls?

I think perhaps what %26quot;we%26quot; fear is maybe not our own deaths, but the fact that there could be nothing beyond it. That our dead loved ones aren%26#039;t really watching us, they%26#039;re just rotting corpses in the ground. And we, too, will rot there. Our uniqueness, our thoughts, our ability to create and feel will never live on, it will just become the ground on which others walk upon.

We%26#039;ll just have to wait and see what happens, won%26#039;t we?

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