Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can an honest, humble man become a salesman without losing his soul?

and without changing so much that his friends will no longer recognize him, even if what he%26#039;s selling is a good thing?
Can an honest, humble man become a salesman without losing his soul?
since there is no such thing as a soul, sure he can
Can an honest, humble man become a salesman without losing his soul?
Yes, a truly humble man has the strongest foundation in which to establish and succeed in any business.
Reply:why not? sales doesn%26#039;t mean dishonesty. Sales is also one of the best profession in the world. It just depends on his selling style...
Reply:Personal integrity is an individual choice. Whatever career a man chooses, it%26#039;s up to him to decide whether or not he%26#039;ll do his job with honesty, dignity, and respect for others. For some it%26#039;s not an easy choice in the face of financial gain, but it is possible.
Reply:Yes, but they usually starve to death.
Reply:He could. What is required is the integrity to sell only superior products. That opportunity is vanishingly rare. So an honest, humble man can become a salesman, but he%26#039;ll starve...
Reply:yes he would help if he was selling something he felt very strongly about. if not then he probably wouldn%26#039;t make many sales.
Reply:yes way not?
Reply:You were brought to the philosophy forum with this question because it is here that you may acquire a deeper understanding about this issue. Try to %26quot;step back%26quot; from your particular vocational conflict, and look beyond to the wider whole.


From the moment we are born, we endeavor to sell ourselves to those around us. Everything we say, do or think involves %26quot;selling%26quot; at some level. Once you have acquired a deeper level understanding of this phenomena, you will be able to reconcile your problem.

Being comfortable in the natural state of always being in the %26quot;sales%26quot; mode (which we all are anyway) will help you achieve success without losing your soul. You will also have greater success %26amp; satisfaction in the long run than those who tend to abuse our natural sales charicteristic for short term gain.

Moderation in ALL things is the key to a life worth living...
Reply:this reminds me of Holy Man he could sell the people anything because he was a good heart.

but that was just a movie and i really dont think so because

you cant go half way and stand in the middle of the road

for the rest of your life, you will get hit.

either cross the street or dont.
Reply:Good question. I did that very thing in my 20s. I was a math teacher and for one reason and another ended up making insurance presentations - which when you think about it is nothing more than teaching them some math - and did very well and retained my respectability and honor. However. A lot of people STILL treated me like a slick liar and challenged my assertions - often these were people who were not educated enough to even understand the proof had I proven it to them. So I would go home with a dozen good sized cuts to my ego and dignity each week, sometimes even in tears.;

After a couple of years I walked away from it. Fack em. They can have each other.

I would say this to - in all that time I met perhaps a hundred other insurance agents - and there wasn%26#039;t one I would voluntarily have into my home.
Reply:It is easier to be a selfish and dishonest salesman, than to be it%26#039;s opposite. But the first one above will not lasts long as trustworthy from the people is a biggest factor to keep the good business on..

Whereas sales based on full of lies and deceptions. Can be an instant boom of short term success in a certain field of sales. Sooner or later facts about the quality value of the product being at sale will possibly come out into notice.

No one can possibly find good merits on a proud and egoistic sales personel. As it is one of the most important rules that customers are always first.

There are special techniques in sales progress where in one can value important rules and conduct to get the best way to prosper.

Trust is very important between the consumer.

When one strives to work hard. There are times we find ourselves into isolation from others, in some quite many ways, when it comes to competiton. It is a part of the big challenge we%26#039;re in, in the business world specially in the field of sales.
Reply:Everybody sells. A job is selling your time to a employer. A date is selling yourself as a potential partner.

Everybody sells. Everybody buys. This is just the nature of life.

What ever your profession, what destroys the soul is a failure to keep the intrests of your family, friends %26amp; countrymen in mind.

You don%26#039;t lose your soul by selling. You lose it by selling crap or lying about your product to people you are SUPPOSED to be treating fairly.
Reply:It depends, in large measure, on his boss. The problem is, many sales managers put undue pressure on the salesman to sell, %26quot;whatever it takes,%26quot; or they may get even more overt in requiring production over integrity. %26quot;Just tell him...%26quot;

I have sold for a living, and done it my way (the right way). But if you are taking orders (not just in sales) and disavowing any moral responsibility for your actions with the bromidic, %26quot;Just doin my job...%26quot; then you%26#039;ve already given up your soul.

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