Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is there anything good in human nature?

is there anything good in us naturally?
Is there anything good in human nature?
A mother%26#039;s nurturing of a child.
Is there anything good in human nature?
Friendship? Would you count that as natural? =]
Reply:how eh! i dont know
Reply:There is a lot of good and pleasant things in human nature
Reply:the ability to love
Reply:First you have to define good....

I think all people are inherently good. Stigmas are what reinforce bad behavior. If you seek the development of the species as a whole, I define that as being good. If you try to manipulate others for your own good at their expense, with no mutual benefit, then you%26#039;re bad.

That does NOT mean being of any religion.
Reply:Here, natural good is original human
Reply:Since we invented the idea of %26#039;good%26#039;, I%26#039;m going to go with %26quot;you don%26#039;t appear to be thinking very clearly%26quot;.
Reply:Yes, there is a lot of good in human nature just as there is a lot of undesirable qualities.

Sometimes it is difficult to see the good because media seems intent on highlighting the bad. With so much negative press it is easy to think we are on a downward slope.

However, on a day to day basis we can see the good if we are open to it. Even a smile from a complete stranger reveals the good in human nature.

Yes, I think there still exists a lot of good in us and I am thankful for that.
Reply:Yes lots of things... I tend to think people are born innocent, good and full of potential. No one is born evil or bad. Watch young toddlers and kids playing.. they so just enjoy being alive, discovering, exploring, laughing and having fun. I think they are in touch with their human-ness. But as teenagers and adults we seem to go through a transformation; and end up as egotistical, selfish people... dog-eat-dog. It doesn%26#039;t HAVE to be like that... but LIFE and living does change you from innocent and naive to cynical and pessimistic! (Or maybe that%26#039;s just me!!) BUT again that doesn%26#039;t mean there isn%26#039;t anything good left in humans. It get hidden under pressure, stress, cynicism and disappointments. Practically EVERYONE ohhs and aaah over baby animals. There is an innate tendency to find things cute and adorable.
Reply:The most important thing, which is good enough, is this that you%26#039;re a HUMAN being! As you%26#039;re a Human being, of course everything in you are GOOD including your Nature, naturally! If not, then you are inhuman, right?

%26quot;Mother taking child%26#039;s care%26quot; can%26#039;t be the answer to your question or love or friendship etc. All these we innate since we%26#039;re HUMAN BEING! Animals do the same, right? So, only GOOD thing in human nature is to think oneself as a HUMAN being.
Reply:Human is the only creature that can judge good and bad for everything. ( but not all human )

The other animals can only judge edible or not.
Reply:Read the Qur%26#039;an , May God give you knowledge because he gives knowledge to whom he wants.
Reply:you need to define your terms before you ask a question like that. people have pointed out that %26quot;good%26quot; is a created idea, but so is %26quot;human nature%26quot;. What do you define as human nature? some one mentioned the way mothers care for babies, but that happens in the majority of animal species, don%26#039;t most mammals, like your pets, express love also? you can%26#039;t really answer this question because %26quot;human nature%26quot; is a created label, and frankly theres not a lot that separates us from the animals!
Reply:I must admit that it is difficult to imagine when you come to think of this critically. This however is not due to the fact that human nature is devoid of all goodness but due to the reason the there is nothing absolutely good about human nature. We all suffer from personal as well as general limitations to our natural capabilities, i.e. however idealistic we might be in our notions of good and bad, we will never be perfectly good or entirely bad in character.

This is the fact that we are endowed with an ability to choose to be good or to bad at will. It is natural in me, for instance, to wonder as why people go bad, but not very common to think and feel puzzled as why people do good things - we all know and feel deep inside that it is only human to be good, or to do good.

I therefore believe that to aspire to be good is most natural to us. We all like to be known as good and strong people, and like to know people who we think are good and strong. This self-enabling way of our being good is so much part of human nature that we earnestly claim our ability to do good as OUR goodness. This becomes manifest when for instance we see that we like to retain our right of choice, i.e. to be either good or bad at will, for if we could do nothing but all good then our goodness, not being a matter of OUR choice, would not be good after all, we would feel.
Reply:In adverse climes and days of trial it seems there is no good in man, or purpose in living but to be subjected to meaningless trials and unending and futile battles that have no cause or end but to torment one it cannot destroy.

May days then be filled with light, the heart inspired, and the spirit awakened and aware of all the beauty, vulnerability and tenderness in the souls of humanity.

The strongest are the vulnerable, the devoutest, faithless. The loving angered and hateful, the religious can be evil, the proud the humbled in heart.

Such is the nature of life in these testing times of trial and tribulation. Steadfast and strong in heart, holding firm to faith in good conquering evil, Love abounding and purifying all, Ultimately.
Reply:Human nature is fundamentally dense. It was created that way.

The good attributes which others here have mentioned have nothing to do with human nature and have everything to with the Soul which is completely un-natural.

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