Thursday, March 26, 2009

If you know that you're gonna die tomorrow, what are the stuffs would ya like to do today?

lol, i am so bored that i could not found any other question to ask, damn me!
If you know that you%26#039;re gonna die tomorrow, what are the stuffs would ya like to do today?
If you know that you%26#039;re gonna die tomorrow, what are the stuffs would ya like to do today?
%26quot;Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.%26quot;

-- Martin Luther King Jr.
Reply:I would go out with my family and friend and enjoy being with them, talk with them without telling them i am going to die the next day. With that way, ithey will remember our last happy day together.
Reply:Why you bored, can you not think of anything other than dying, i would do nothing that i haven%26#039;t done till now, as i have lived with the possibility of dying from S.D.S. all my life from my illness. JUST GO GET A LIFE AND STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF ??????????????
Reply:I would do everything that brings me fear. MY fears are origniated from risk. The risk means possible loss. If I%26#039;m dying tomorrow, what do I have left to lose? I would go parachuting, bunjee-jumping, etc. I wouldn%26#039;t do anything to hurt anyone other than myself (i.e.: standing in a highway, speeding too much) or anything that would obviously cause death (ie: jumping off a building). The last thing I would do is leave someone with a life%26#039;s lesson. I%26#039;m not sure how, but I would figure out a way and do it. Kind of like the way they do in movies. I would put together a scavenger hunt of morality. A good movie for this is %26quot;The Ultimate Gift%26quot;. =]
Reply:Since I live each day as if it is to be my last one anyway ( because you just never know)...I wouldnt do anything other than what I am doing now...
Reply:this is what you come up with when bored

-and you are not happy with it

I kinda like it

it is a good beginning

to my day

will help me to

remember to cherish

to hold the moment

and to thank the higher powers

at the end of it

I would really enjoy my

cup of coffee more

while sitting out in the


listening to birds

picking up bugs to move


looking for frogs

for snakes

the smiles

I horde,

giving rarely

I would freely

happily give to anyone

especially people

I do not know

I would out and watch clouds

for an hour

maybe two

sing out loud


even if I can not carry

a tune

I would stop at the playground

and swing up high as I could

touch the sky

like I did

feels like a long time

ago, in my youth

I would find a puddle

to splash in

if none were around,

I would make one

and enjoy the time

I had

I would each of my


I would call names


of those I loved

the ones I have

not talked to

in an eon maybe more

the ones that caused me


or grief

to let them know

I never stopped

cherishing the

time we%26#039;d had

nor did I forget them

in my prayers

I would tell no one

what I knew

then it would be too hard

I would just go about what

I always do

only each part,

I would tuck


after dinner was through

after things washed

and back on shelf

I would take out my journal

my scrapbook

I would paste

the flowers from the day

and mark them

sweetest scent

the water from my

puddles, the mud

on cuffs and I would

paint the sun I saw rising

write about the silliness

of how I spent that

last day

a little different than

the rest

I savored the taste of

a greeting

I swam thru waters to you

I flew across the sky

just to one last time

reach you

you are my very essence

my reason

my rhymne

you always

were my life

I taught the birds

our song

they%26#039;ll sing it just

for you

the bugs will keep the


the frogs will

make sure they


I gave away my


you%26#039;ll find them all thru town

and as the day

goes on

know I%26#039;m still around

I wrote out all the names

of family, friends for you

I jotted down the little things

I know that you forget

that I love you, need you

cherish you... since the minute

I first felt you

to take care of yourselves

to eat healthy, love freely

learn, grow

remind you once again

there is only special

you also to let go

of hurt and pain

each day before

you are thru

I stole this day from


I owe you one

sweet ones

I wanted no tears

to see me off

just your smiles

and the daily


your arguments

battles with

all - I hold them

close right now

I know you will find

your way

and hold each other


I wanted to share

with you

my gift those memories


my scrapbook finally done

the sun rises

almost out of time

I worked on this book

for you

I never let you see

told you when it%26#039;s done

in time

so long ago it began


I was very small

the first page,

first lesson

snails are snails

slugs are slugs

and no matter how much

you pull

the shells come off

the life is gone

I tried to change the rules

I tried to change my world

I learned that day

of rules

or hurt

of death

the cost and yet

the path left

was fresh

my book

it%26#039;s made for you

full special times

small and large

smiles, hearts

full of me now

forgive me

I knew all day

I knew

I leave to you the world

reality that too

dreams and hope

and clouds

to teach you

daily anew

enjoy and grow

wiser still

and love freely

all the day

never sleep till

wrongs are righted

keep me close

I ask of you

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