Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can you picture a colour that doesn't exist?

Can you picture a colour that doesn%26#039;t exist?
Yup, Cloak or Stealth mode.
Can you picture a colour that doesn%26#039;t exist?
First of all, we can%26#039;t picture a color that doesn%26#039;t exist, because well it doesn%26#039;t exist. Maybe you are considering a color that we haven%26#039;t experienced yet. I have theorized something like that, but it wouldn%26#039;t be in our light spectrum or by our eye. To answer your question, I cannot picture a color that does not exist, because if I could think it about it, and I know I can think, than I exist and this color as a thought would exist also.
Reply:To picture, to imagine and to think of a colour that doesn%26#039;t exist, means the brain will follow the logical path by bringing the already existed colours and try to remix them to get new one, so the answer is no as we will be using the same variation of the given colours.
Reply:For a human being with a mind which has no practical experience in the art of pure,true concentration, such a thought shouldn%26#039;t even touch him. Even a person with intense training of the practical technicality of the innermost chambers of human mind will find it impossible to visualize such a complex situation. For all we know, even the master creator of all the reality of the multiversal dimensions may have found it difficult to picture the primary colours we use today. Maybe such a situation is totally imaginable to the living mind, however large it may be.
Reply:Ugh! Doesn%26#039;t is suck? I%26#039;ve been trying to do this all my life! They%26#039;re right- your brain just thinks of other colors and tries to determine %26#039;well this is this color, let me make a new one.%26#039; Errrr we really can%26#039;t.
Reply:in our dreams.i bet many people have.

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