Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lies and Religion - confused? me too?

I will try to write this as short as possible.

I been studying in a religious (Christian) school for 18 years.

Now I am 30.

I don%26#039;t believe in any of the religions but where do I stand?

Because for me atheist is another religion because of the way

people talk their.

All I want is a clear mind, I am not sure what their is out once you die but I know I been lied to alot.

I know no one can talk to the dead or bring people to life.

I know their is no such ting as magic, and people cannot read minds.

I know that people in history people were totally gullible.

and in other words Metaphysics facts do not exist.

I am not afraid of death even if there is nothing after.

and if there is something after I don%26#039;t think it%26#039;s what people wrote in books. ( heaven, hell, god)

I would like to know what you think, or comment on anything
Lies and Religion - confused? me too?
The problem with religion today is everyone has re-written it to sound like what they want to hear...true religion is written in the hearts and minds of all beings..look into your heart, you know right from wrong, believe in yourself.
Lies and Religion - confused? me too?
Yes; Once you die you either do go to Heaven or Hell.

God IS real.

Just saying/commenting this.
Reply:Atheism is simply not having faith in a god. Atheist don%26#039;t necessarily make the claim that God doesn%26#039;t exist, they just don%26#039;t believe in him. If you dont believe in God you are an atheist. Atheism is not some kind of society you join. You just are an atheist.
Reply:You shouldn%26#039;t be afraid of death. You should open your eyes and be aware of death and then find the limits of your life and push on the boundaries. Religion in my mind is a waste. what you do or believe after you have read the bible or the curan or the book of mormon or what ever else is out there is completely up to you. everything you do from moment to moment directly effects your next moment in life. you say you want a clear mind stop fearing death. wake up in the morning fully knowing that at any moment you could die and then go forward with your life choosing to be a good person or a bad person fully aware of the things around you. My only advice is that you follow the path of your own choosing. you may follow someone else or be taught by this person or that but never let them take full control always be aware of the choices.
Reply:well it%26#039;s really all up to you. whatever people may say i hope you make a decision that you feel is right. My advise to you is to not look for advise out there in the world. I think it all lies with in you. You stand unsure, you%26#039;re like the mediator, simply in between. But i will say that i am a believer. I don%26#039;t categorize myself in a religion because i think religions main point is to authorize order, and in the old chatholic ways: absolute power. So i am simply a believer, i read the bible, i belive in god........So i don%26#039;t know what you%26#039;re going to choose. To continue as you do or try believing in god and try the faith, or if you choose neither of those then i ask you to atleast continue having your OWN mind. As in not getting pressured by others, make your own choices and try not to get influenced by things you wouldn%26#039;t want to get influenced by. And ultimitly trust yourself. so yeah thats all i wanted to say.
Reply:chrisitianity is more plausable than evolution,., evolutions cause i would say is gravity! and =DNA
Reply:It%26#039;s an interesting position you find yourself in.

I%26#039;ll start by addressing your first assumption, that you need to %26quot;stand%26quot; somewhere. We%26#039;re all born out of a history of proclamations in the face of ignorance. What we don%26#039;t know is speculated over, false assumptions are made, and people become protective of their favorite assumption, until the context is such, that they become part of daily life. Questioning whether we actually need to make assumptions at all about what we don%26#039;t know, will help in defusing this wacky social need from our heritage.

So what is it like to live in acceptance of what you don%26#039;t know? Well, you start with what you absolutely can know, and build your way up, through deduction.

This leads me to your other assumption: that the fact individuals throughout history have been gullible, means %26quot;metaphysical%26quot; facts do not exist. This doesn%26#039;t follow, logically, and furthermore, saying that metaphysical facts do not exist is contradictory, since the proposition itself is posed as a metaphysical fact. To illustrate this point let%26#039;s instead call them undeniable facts, and use one of your propositions as an example. It is said that a fact is undeniable if in attempting to deny it or doubt it, you have to assume it exists and use it in your denial. %26quot;Reality exists%26quot; and %26quot;I am conscious%26quot; are such types of undeniable facts. For example, in trying to deny that reality exists, you are making a reference to a thing called reality, and admitting to its existence (you can do the other one). By these facts, then, how do you come to know something like %26quot;no one can talk to the dead%26quot;? Well, the easiest answer is you experience it (you can give it a try if you want), but why trust your experience? You trust it because it is undeniable that reality exists (to be experienced), and that you are conscious of it. Without undeniable facts, we could have no other facts, or ever come to know anything.

A note on atheism: By virtue of not believing in the existence of the supernatural, you are an atheist. Atheism is term used to describe the lack of a held conviction, namely theism. It doesn%26#039;t require an voluntary action or alignment. Refraining from an action doesn%26#039;t engage you in another one. Don%26#039;t confuse negation with proposition, or affirmation. And as far as propositions go, make sure they hold up to scrutiny. Believing in the supernatural, doesn%26#039;t.
Reply:Being educated in a Christian environment no more makes you a real Christian than a person swimming in a pond makes them a duck. You must be familiar with Paul of Tarsus by now so it is easy to see he was educated, dedicated and completely unacceptable to God and his message of salvation UNTIL Jesus corrected him. It is where your heart is that Jesus taught over and over and people still don%26#039;t get.

Acts 22

3%26quot;I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God just as you all are today.

I like what - Malcom Mugridge said about some people... %26quot;educated ourselves into imbecility%26quot;.

As for their being noting after death ... I personally like what Don Piper saw....

The vision given to this guy is someplace I don%26#039;t want to go...

May your learn where your heart SHOULD be.

Reply:--YOU STAND in a precarious situation because life indeed has to have meaning, IT IS to uniform not to have importance.

--IF IT has importance then somebody indeed deemed it so!

--SOMETHING IS made important from someone of importance!

--WOULD THAT not be something ---if that one was God?

AS A FAMOUS Atheist said of the convienence of non-belief:

*** g82 9/8 p. 4 Can a Realist Believe in God? ***

Consider what atheist Aldous Huxley wrote: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed that it had none.” What were his motives? “For myself, as, no doubt, for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality.%26quot;

Atheist Aldous Huxley’s admission reveals another possibility, when he says: “We objected to the morality [of the Bible] because it interfered with our sexual freedom.”

--TRULY something not to be ignored because it might make someone uncomfortable!

--JUST BECAUSE religion has lied about hellfire, trinity, immortal soul etc. does not make God a liar, if in fact he indeed does exist!

--TO DISMISS him on the basis of what religions have said he has authored, such as the Crusades, Inquistion etc. --is a lame excuse for non-belief!

--THERE ARE too many positives that exist in life that support his benevolence:


(James 1:17) “17 Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the [celestial] lights, and with him there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow.”

--THERE are simply TOO many %26quot;gifts%26quot;, %26amp;%26quot; presents%26quot;(that are innumerable to excuse) that are unexplainable without giving credit to a Grander Being--other than us AND other then evolution and the rest of the foolish suppositions!

--Well this will fall either on dull hearing or make someone think , WHICH ONE will it be for your?
Reply:%26quot;Metaphysical facts do not exist%26quot; is, itself, a metaphysical fact. Here%26#039;s another one: %26quot;The only thing that exists in the physical universe.%26quot; Metaphysical doesn%26#039;t mean that there%26#039;s something %26quot;supernatural%26quot; or beyond our ability to understand. Rather, it%26#039;s a foundational statement about reality. You can%26#039;t get around or deny them without invoking their existence.

Now, if you lack belief in a god, you are an Atheist. Some Atheists are very vocal about their nonbelief, but, rest-assured, a lack of belief is the definition. Atheism does not imply any sort of belief in and of itself.

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