Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can i take the fact that there are no facts as a fact?

This is a serious philosophical debate.
Can i take the fact that there are no facts as a fact?
Yes - of course you can - and that%26#039;s a fact !
Can i take the fact that there are no facts as a fact?
Reply:No, you can%26#039;t.
Reply:The only fact is that there are no facts. Anything can be proven wrong, but that%26#039;s not a fact
Reply:is that a fact?
Reply:No, because the fact that there are no facts, can%26#039;t be a fact if there are no facts. What would make this %26quot;fact%26quot; that there are no facts true different?

interesting to think about though.
Reply:fact is the fact there are no facts
Reply:In my opinion, you can%26#039;t take the fact that there are no facts. That is why facts are called facts. They are subjects which are true. Like the fact that the Earth is not really a perfect circle but bulges in the center. Like the fact that we need oxygen (which is currently only available in Earth, that%26#039;s another fact) to live.

You see. Facts are truths and truths are not lies, neither are thay opinions.
Reply:yeah you can!
Reply:Theoretically no, because then that %26#039;fact%26#039; would not be a fact, its basically a rework of the liar paradox. If that %26#039;fact%26#039; is not a fact, then it is not true, which means that %26#039;there are no facts%26#039; is not true, it all ends up getting rather complicated.
Reply:A fact is a fact to you. Death is a fact, you are here is a fact, %26quot;what is%26quot; are facts. Facts get clouded over with beliefs, our conditioning, or the way a society or a political party and mainstream media wishes people to look at what is, and so most of the time, people, especially in the US, dont%26#039; see the facts. Facts do exist, you just have to dig for them and don%26#039;t accept anything you necessarily read or hear.
Reply:No u cant cuz ur makeing this in 2 a fact so how can it b possible there r no facts.
Reply:When I read the question I knew exactly what a fact is / was. After browsing through the answers the word began to sound funny and unfamiliar. Facts are like that. As you cannot pin them down to stay in place, even in your mind, they become liquid and not solid and cannot be trusted anymore. Thus, my answer is:

seriously yes
Reply:No you can%26#039;t. you can take it as a proposition, and as such you can choose either to accept or reject it. But if there really were no facts, then of course it would not be possible to say so categorically. Which seems to indicate that facts do exist!
Reply:Saying that there are no facts, that there is no truth, that there is no reality, is inconsistent.

You can%26#039;t deny these things without assuming them to begin with, and using them to formulate your denial. This is what is illustrated by your question. If it is a fact that there are no facts, then there really is a fact, isn%26#039;t there? It%26#039;s a contradictory, inconsistent, nonsensical proposition.

Notions such as the existence of facts, truth, and reality, are what are considered first principles, or axioms. These are statements that cannot be denied. Furthermore, any other statement you utter about anything, is built upon, and depends on these other ones.

For some reason, through no doubt irrational influences, the idea has become popular among many people that everything is relative. This idea is as unsustainable as it ever was because even by uttering it you deny it.
Reply:it%26#039;s not a philosophical debate it%26#039;s a self defeating statement!

if you want circular thinking try the old can i go back in time and kill my dad before i was born routine.
Reply:Define facts.
Reply:I think so.
Reply:No because if there are no facts it can%26#039;t be a fact can it?
Reply:Its not a fact that there are no facts. All we can say is that no fact can be proven with certainty in absolute terms, including the %26#039;fact%26#039; of your question. I may consider it a fact that it is currently 12:56pm but that is by no means a universal truth. Some facts may actually be absolute facts but we do not possess the ability to prove them in absolute terms. Therefore, we cannot take it as a fact that there are no facts because although we cannot prove facts in absolute terms, we equally cannot disprove them in absolute terms.

Almost any way this question may be phrased it appears to contradict itself. The idea that we cannot universally prove nor disprove facts is not an absolute fact but may be considered a relative one. Going back to the reference of 12:56pm, I consider this to have been a fact for me but not neccessarily for anyone else, because time itself is considered relative to the individual and not absolute. Therefore the only way I can find to phrase this question would be: %26quot;Can i take the IDEA that there are no ABSOLUTE facts as a RELATIVE fact?%26quot; Then the logical answer would probably be yes, yet this answer will no longer contradict the question. This loophole may be the only way to save our sanity!
Reply:1. There are no facts

2. (1) is a fact

3. Therefore (1) is not a fact

4. Therefore (1) is false

5. Therefore, there are facts

I just proved something! But not anything in particular...

This assumes that all facts are true.

Also that when considering %26#039;facts%26#039; something is either X or not X. There are no %26#039;sort of%26#039; or %26#039;almost%26#039; facts.
Reply:you can take the fact you cannot know anything without filtering the sense data you recive and thus cannot SAY anything about reality that you haven%26#039;t already changed.

verbvalised statements ABOUT reality can never be presumed to BE reality itself.

you can however have preintellectual awarenesses which more directly relate to reality - if you sat in fire you would be getting up again before the word %26#039;hot%26#039; ever entered your mind
Reply:No: that is global scepticism. Global scepticism is self-defeating, because to doubt everything you must doubt your own motives to doubt things. To apply this to your question, if you believe there are no facts, you cannot take that as a fact because it is a self-defeating contradiction; if there are no facts, you cannot assert that there are no facts as a fact.

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