Thursday, March 26, 2009

Would a high-profile safety-critical project such as Collins submarine computerization quite likely be........

attempted to be hijacked by individuals within the main organization or peripheral organizations, for their own base purposes ?

Would individuals in the organization begin to suffer %26quot;stockholm syndrome%26quot; from these attempts to hijack the quality ?

Would a person suffering from %26quot;stockholm syndrome%26quot; tend to hijack the organization ?

So if there is a %26quot;critical mass%26quot; of people in the organization suffering from %26quot;stockholm syndrome%26quot; and attempting to hijack the organization, is the result that quality goes into free fall, with little prospect of returning to its former high value ?

Is there anything good in human nature?

is there anything good in us naturally?
Is there anything good in human nature?
A mother%26#039;s nurturing of a child.
Is there anything good in human nature?
Friendship? Would you count that as natural? =]
Reply:how eh! i dont know
Reply:There is a lot of good and pleasant things in human nature
Reply:the ability to love
Reply:First you have to define good....

I think all people are inherently good. Stigmas are what reinforce bad behavior. If you seek the development of the species as a whole, I define that as being good. If you try to manipulate others for your own good at their expense, with no mutual benefit, then you%26#039;re bad.

That does NOT mean being of any religion.
Reply:Here, natural good is original human
Reply:Since we invented the idea of %26#039;good%26#039;, I%26#039;m going to go with %26quot;you don%26#039;t appear to be thinking very clearly%26quot;.
Reply:Yes, there is a lot of good in human nature just as there is a lot of undesirable qualities.

Sometimes it is difficult to see the good because media seems intent on highlighting the bad. With so much negative press it is easy to think we are on a downward slope.

However, on a day to day basis we can see the good if we are open to it. Even a smile from a complete stranger reveals the good in human nature.

Yes, I think there still exists a lot of good in us and I am thankful for that.
Reply:Yes lots of things... I tend to think people are born innocent, good and full of potential. No one is born evil or bad. Watch young toddlers and kids playing.. they so just enjoy being alive, discovering, exploring, laughing and having fun. I think they are in touch with their human-ness. But as teenagers and adults we seem to go through a transformation; and end up as egotistical, selfish people... dog-eat-dog. It doesn%26#039;t HAVE to be like that... but LIFE and living does change you from innocent and naive to cynical and pessimistic! (Or maybe that%26#039;s just me!!) BUT again that doesn%26#039;t mean there isn%26#039;t anything good left in humans. It get hidden under pressure, stress, cynicism and disappointments. Practically EVERYONE ohhs and aaah over baby animals. There is an innate tendency to find things cute and adorable.
Reply:The most important thing, which is good enough, is this that you%26#039;re a HUMAN being! As you%26#039;re a Human being, of course everything in you are GOOD including your Nature, naturally! If not, then you are inhuman, right?

%26quot;Mother taking child%26#039;s care%26quot; can%26#039;t be the answer to your question or love or friendship etc. All these we innate since we%26#039;re HUMAN BEING! Animals do the same, right? So, only GOOD thing in human nature is to think oneself as a HUMAN being.
Reply:Human is the only creature that can judge good and bad for everything. ( but not all human )

The other animals can only judge edible or not.
Reply:Read the Qur%26#039;an , May God give you knowledge because he gives knowledge to whom he wants.
Reply:you need to define your terms before you ask a question like that. people have pointed out that %26quot;good%26quot; is a created idea, but so is %26quot;human nature%26quot;. What do you define as human nature? some one mentioned the way mothers care for babies, but that happens in the majority of animal species, don%26#039;t most mammals, like your pets, express love also? you can%26#039;t really answer this question because %26quot;human nature%26quot; is a created label, and frankly theres not a lot that separates us from the animals!
Reply:I must admit that it is difficult to imagine when you come to think of this critically. This however is not due to the fact that human nature is devoid of all goodness but due to the reason the there is nothing absolutely good about human nature. We all suffer from personal as well as general limitations to our natural capabilities, i.e. however idealistic we might be in our notions of good and bad, we will never be perfectly good or entirely bad in character.

This is the fact that we are endowed with an ability to choose to be good or to bad at will. It is natural in me, for instance, to wonder as why people go bad, but not very common to think and feel puzzled as why people do good things - we all know and feel deep inside that it is only human to be good, or to do good.

I therefore believe that to aspire to be good is most natural to us. We all like to be known as good and strong people, and like to know people who we think are good and strong. This self-enabling way of our being good is so much part of human nature that we earnestly claim our ability to do good as OUR goodness. This becomes manifest when for instance we see that we like to retain our right of choice, i.e. to be either good or bad at will, for if we could do nothing but all good then our goodness, not being a matter of OUR choice, would not be good after all, we would feel.
Reply:In adverse climes and days of trial it seems there is no good in man, or purpose in living but to be subjected to meaningless trials and unending and futile battles that have no cause or end but to torment one it cannot destroy.

May days then be filled with light, the heart inspired, and the spirit awakened and aware of all the beauty, vulnerability and tenderness in the souls of humanity.

The strongest are the vulnerable, the devoutest, faithless. The loving angered and hateful, the religious can be evil, the proud the humbled in heart.

Such is the nature of life in these testing times of trial and tribulation. Steadfast and strong in heart, holding firm to faith in good conquering evil, Love abounding and purifying all, Ultimately.
Reply:Human nature is fundamentally dense. It was created that way.

The good attributes which others here have mentioned have nothing to do with human nature and have everything to with the Soul which is completely un-natural.

Do you agree that the concept of Anarchist Anationality should be politically established?

I want to cast off the concepts of religion and nationality and have the concept of Anarchist Anationality politically established. In realisation that God exists, I declare to God that God is a military-paramilitary mind and that I could never work with him. Therefore, I ask for an angel to be a political friend. Are there angels. Do we all have a guardian angel. Do you know your angel. Can you know your angel. I declare to God that I can%26#039;t work with God and desire an angel to be a political friend who truly believes in my philosophy. As a means of having the true nature of the political concept of anarchism politically recognised, I desire for the concept of Anarchist Anationality to be politically established. As the true nature of political reality is that God has already shared his power with the state and capitalism, the true nature of anarchism is to desire power independently of the state and capitalism, and therefore I need an independent angel who believes in true anarchism.
Do you agree that the concept of Anarchist Anationality should be politically established?
You had too much Coffee today Dude ?
Do you agree that the concept of Anarchist Anationality should be politically established?
So you are a satanic nihilist (or you think you are satan)? I%26#039;m guessing you are seeking an archangel (antichrist)?

You will have better luck if you look for a %26#039;social libertarian%26#039;. That%26#039;s the PA way of saying it now. Also, beware of emo kids, they will try to trick you. Best luck on your hunt.
Reply:Yes, nice theory. But in practice it is worthless. Go to your %26#039;sanctum salorum%26#039; and start thinking.

Reply:First of all, I am pretty sure that you aren%26#039;t a satanic nihilist. Secondly, you have the concept of anarchy all wrong. There would be no government, no passports, nothing. Have you thought about our national security? We would have none. How long are you going to be waiting around for an angel anyways? Keep thinking, but maybe in a new direction, you won%26#039;t want to hear it, I didn%26#039;t either.
Reply:I do hope you are okay
Reply:our type of government%26#039;s corrupt, anarcism cant be worse, so why not
Reply:I think we all feel the chafing of societal bonds at times - but before you throw them off, pause for a minute and consider how handy it is to have roads - fire departments, hospitals, internet, safety from smallpox and foreign invasion, structures to live in, etc. Food we didn%26#039;t have to grow or shoot ourselves, with guns and bullets that we wouldn%26#039;t know how to manufacture -

Anarchy, done truly, would mean every family group for itself, in caves.

Do you agree that Mr Levey had no right to declare an ideology in the name of an angel who doesn't exist.?

Mr Levey has established the church of satan and declared an ideology in the name of an angel called satan who does not actually exist and who never declared an ideology. God wrote all religious and a supposed angel such as the devil, satan never wrote anything.. It is known that God invented all things on this earth and that such an angel never had any power. It is known that God has shared his power with the state and capitalism and that a supposed angel called the devil never had any power. The devil, satan is only mentioned a few times in the Bible and does not actually exist.

If there could be an angel who does object to God then you would have to ask God%26#039;s permission to be a friend of such an angel. I am prepared to have an open debate about this, as it is necessary to have an angel who is independent of God, as God is a military-parmilitary mind and I can%26#039;t work with God myself.
Do you agree that Mr Levey had no right to declare an ideology in the name of an angel who doesn%26#039;t exist.?
I dont get it...

God exists but Satan doesnt? So youre just a %26quot;little%26quot; blinded by faith and ignorance? You will believe in a God. But not in his counterpart which has just as much credence in tenet?

I thought the serpent in the garden, Lucifer, and other such nouns and pronouns were all indicative of the same person - the devil. Its in scripture, but you dont believe it? What kind of Christian are you?

How many times must something be mentioned in scripture for it to become %26quot;real%26quot;? The fact that Satan was %26quot;only mentioned a few times%26quot; means that is must be bogus? So what is the magical number count for tenet to go from a lie to a truth?

Furthermore, you make a few ridiculous presumptions that beg for proof. %26quot;God has shared his power with the state and capitalism.%26quot; I must have missed that verse... was that mentioned in Peter?

You cant believe in the devil without believing in God too. You cant hate god without believing in him. So, no one will worship or befriend the devil... unless they were evil to begin with. They wont ask for Gods permission to befriend the devil... because if they care what God things they wouldnt befriend the devil by choice, not because they werent given permission.

An angel that doesnt exist would be %26quot;Bob%26quot; or %26quot;Jerry%26quot;. No, Lucifer was quite explicitly named in theology.

And I cant believe I wasted all this time writing a detailed answer to someone with such a backward and twisted brain. It surprising your even alive, because that chunk of lard in your skull died a long time ago. Your question doesnt make sense no matte what you believe or what your opinions are... the thoughts simply dont flow.
Do you agree that Mr Levey had no right to declare an ideology in the name of an angel who doesn%26#039;t exist.?
Yes you are absolutely right.
Reply:You can%26#039;t have an open debate about this because you are making assertions that can%26#039;t be proven. Yes, we can theorize all the angels we want, but does it make any difference. I don%26#039;t know your belief system wheter you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Agnostic. So I don%26#039;t have a clue about your mind set.

Can you picture a colour that doesn't exist?

Can you picture a colour that doesn%26#039;t exist?
Yup, Cloak or Stealth mode.
Can you picture a colour that doesn%26#039;t exist?
First of all, we can%26#039;t picture a color that doesn%26#039;t exist, because well it doesn%26#039;t exist. Maybe you are considering a color that we haven%26#039;t experienced yet. I have theorized something like that, but it wouldn%26#039;t be in our light spectrum or by our eye. To answer your question, I cannot picture a color that does not exist, because if I could think it about it, and I know I can think, than I exist and this color as a thought would exist also.
Reply:To picture, to imagine and to think of a colour that doesn%26#039;t exist, means the brain will follow the logical path by bringing the already existed colours and try to remix them to get new one, so the answer is no as we will be using the same variation of the given colours.
Reply:For a human being with a mind which has no practical experience in the art of pure,true concentration, such a thought shouldn%26#039;t even touch him. Even a person with intense training of the practical technicality of the innermost chambers of human mind will find it impossible to visualize such a complex situation. For all we know, even the master creator of all the reality of the multiversal dimensions may have found it difficult to picture the primary colours we use today. Maybe such a situation is totally imaginable to the living mind, however large it may be.
Reply:Ugh! Doesn%26#039;t is suck? I%26#039;ve been trying to do this all my life! They%26#039;re right- your brain just thinks of other colors and tries to determine %26#039;well this is this color, let me make a new one.%26#039; Errrr we really can%26#039;t.
Reply:in our dreams.i bet many people have.

Why we are scared of death when we know its eternal?

because we don%26#039;t really mean it when we say it%26#039;s eternal.
Why we are scared of death when we know its eternal?
Primal Self preservation instinct for me, others may say fear of what lies after,
Why we are scared of death when we know its eternal?
We know it is eternal but do not know what it is.Whatever is unknown makes us afraid.If we know the experience of death, we shall not be scared at all.
Reply:Do we know it is eternal? What about the hindus and buddhists?
Reply:realisation of the word %26quot;eternal%26quot; makes all the difference.
Reply:It may also be because we are afriad where we will go- up or down? Or lost in the void between them?
Reply:Dear friend,

telling these words like a parrot is not KNOWING.

the real thing is we do not really know it , we simply read and repeat it that Death takes us to another life and it is not the end.When REALLY WE KNOW IT WE WILL NEVER FEAR ARE SCARED OF DEATH,
Reply:We all like to live this life, which was given to us. When time comes to end it then dust goes to dust. Nothing to be scared of.
Reply:I%26#039;m not afraid of death, I just don%26#039;t want to be there when it happens.
Reply:%26quot;The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.%26quot; - Mark Twain

%26quot;To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?%26quot; - Socrates

%26quot;The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there%26#039;s no risk of accident for someone who%26#039;s dead.%26quot; - Albert Einstein

%26quot;I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.%26quot; - Winston Churchill
Reply:Dying is probably the easiest thing you can do.

It is hard to accept being non existent,but all troubles end there.
Reply:%26#039;We%26#039; do not know it is eternal, %26#039;we%26#039; believe it is eternal (I do not). Because %26#039;we%26#039; don%26#039;t know it for sure, %26#039;we%26#039; fear death.
Reply:Who says we%26#039;re all afraid of death? I%26#039;m not.

That%26#039;s an interesting question though, I%26#039;ll have to admit. We%26#039;re given all these messages of %26quot;heaven%26quot; and %26quot;afterlife%26quot;, and how great they are. (unless we sin of course, then it%26#039;s hell for us) However, if these places are so great, why are %26quot;we%26quot; so terrified of death? do we subconciously know, somewhere deep in our souls, that there really is nothing after? There%26#039;s no pearly gates, a place to rest our souls?

I think perhaps what %26quot;we%26quot; fear is maybe not our own deaths, but the fact that there could be nothing beyond it. That our dead loved ones aren%26#039;t really watching us, they%26#039;re just rotting corpses in the ground. And we, too, will rot there. Our uniqueness, our thoughts, our ability to create and feel will never live on, it will just become the ground on which others walk upon.

We%26#039;ll just have to wait and see what happens, won%26#039;t we?

The secure seek new experiences, the insecure secure there experiences?

seeing how short life is, why not walk out on a new limb rather than build a fort on a strong limb.
The secure seek new experiences, the insecure secure there experiences?
%26quot;the insecure secure THEIR experiences?%26quot; Sorry, it was bothering me. Maybe they don%26#039;t walk out on a new limb because they are sick of people telling them what to do.
The secure seek new experiences, the insecure secure there experiences?
I think it is the other way around.The secure are content and may not seek new experiences .The insecure seek to get their security.Your example also supports this view.
Reply:seeking/realising/accepting new experiences makes one secure,

just think what kind of experiences does insecure fellow needs to secure
Reply:I agree with yogiraj, it%26#039;s the other way around.

Being insecure myself I always seek new experiences.
Reply:Insecure people can not secure anything.

That has been my philosophy for many years. And you know what? I%26#039;ve actually had many experiences, good and bad, but at least I%26#039;ve experienced life%26#039;s adventures. I%26#039;ve learned a great deal through these experiences. I%26#039;ve grown as a person and in maturity because I allowed myself to leap before looking.

I am now more secure than anyone of my siblings, who never did experience too much of life. And I continue to seek out new adventures to learn from, even in my later years of life.

I have at least one relative who has lived almost her entire life in one town, in one house, with the same people around her, doing the same thing all the time. I%26#039;m sure in some ways she has also experienced life, but for the most part she has built a fortress around herself to keep out life%26#039;s experiences.
Reply:when I was younger I was always anxious, nervous and scared of almost everything -out of my small universe. But the greater world just kept changing and I managed to grow just like every other soul around. Things, people and myself included changed. I resisted a lot -yet I had sought and not merely wished to grow up. I came to a realization, like everyone would, that experiences are necessary.

So why don%26#039;t you ask how many people actually built their own securities from their insecurities? We all yearn for changes if they could be for the better. When people venture on to silence an insecure past they will always be haunted, consciously or not. Yes, everyone has a different threshold -how much you have convinced yourself to your dealings with your past experiences will define that limit.

Think about it pal, how much you%26#039;re willing to seek that new frontier depends on how much you would relearn from previous experiences. Even babies do that... Only the truly secure people have confronted and won against their own ghost. The insecure will stay put in their %26#039;fort%26#039; and convince themselves with the comfort of their lives.
Reply:What%26#039;s for sure is, we%26#039;re busy transitioning from secure to insecure and back again. What else is for sure is, we are all constantly in a mix of becoming... -- becoming %26#039;something%26#039;.
Reply:The west concentrates on te temporary or partial sucess that belongs to the present life

What are the characteristics of a stud? How can I be one?

I am 30,single,male. Will you tell me what exactly is a stud? Is it considered good by girls? How can I be one? And to be a stud is it must to have great body and muscles?
What are the characteristics of a stud? How can I be one?
Get this crap out of the philosophy fourm and into the singles dating fourm.
What are the characteristics of a stud? How can I be one?
Ask this question in some other category.
Reply:The word stud is related to horses and I am pretty sure YA has a section for that and it is definitely not the philosophy section. out of courtesy here is the main characteristic of a stud, animal employed for breeding.
Reply:Wrong forum for this question. anyway if you want to be loved you love yourself and have high slefestimation. Dont scare people around.
Reply:If you aren%26#039;t one, you can%26#039;t be one and a marshmallow will never be a rock.
Reply:There is more than one kind of stud, for this reason, your question IS appropriately asked in the philosophy forum. Please disregard any vitriolic, bellicose answers to the contrary.

You can be a stud physically...

You can be a stud intellectually...

You can be a stud financially...

You can be a stud artistically...

You can be a stud musically...

OR, any other way which is defined by YOU. A presumptive stud projects what is important to women, then, they (the women) will respond accordingly. If he is perceived as a stud because of physicality, then great, but women also know about the laughable limitations generally involved with those of his ilk.

Primarily, the problem is that his %26quot;studliness%26quot; is not a will-full projection, it is simply his birth-right.

Bit what really gets a woman excited is a stud who%26#039;s self-defined and self-created.

Within yourself is the answer to your dilemma. Bring forth that which is YOUR inner is encumbant upon you, me...your best female prospects are salivating over the possibilities...

What are the two main myths by which we live our lives?

1. Cars don%26#039;t need stock trash receptacles. (They should have had them from day 1.)

2. When people are laughing and having fun, they%26#039;re laughing at you.
What are the two main myths by which we live our lives?
The two myths are we are invincible and life is materialistic .

with regards
What are the two main myths by which we live our lives?
Guns good

Muslims Bad

I simplified that answer
Reply:After the first great fall of Adam and Eve we can not know God as they knew him. Man is godhead and has authority to give or take life over the commandments of God.
Reply:money will make us happy.

life will wait for us.
Reply:objectivism on one hand and subjectivism on the other

Most people shift back and forth without realizing it.

Where are the most philosophers?

Six feet under.
Where are the most philosophers?
They were divided into part and laid to rest in the ground and on a book shelf and even in the tools we still use.
Where are the most philosophers?
In;s land of philosophy.
Reply:Sat atop some mountain or in an ashram contemplating their navel or the in%26#039;s and out%26#039;s of a cat%26#039;s backside!
Reply:in the pub
Reply:Philosophy 101
Reply:In the English-speaking countries. The people there are quite excited about epistemology ( and all sorts of knowing) that they sprinkle their conversations, chats and talks with %26quot;you know%26quot;. Absolutely philosophical.

If matter is in fact energy what makes us live?

ok, a lot of people beleve that matter is in fact energy... and this energy can be reduced even to pure mathematic. The filosfic part is... what makes us live, breathe, think, walk? is the energy that makes us different? is it soul? What is the soul?
If matter is in fact energy what makes us live?
I believe our soul is our brain, because our brain controls what we do and stuff.
If matter is in fact energy what makes us live?
There is definitely energy inside us and we can harness it through meditation and self-realization.

with regards
Reply:The physics of energy? This proves that the more we know the less we retain and so this energy you speak of must surely evaporate into the air we breath.
Reply:Biological energy and ORDER (less entropy due to our biological-systems in place) and chemical processes happening in our body makes us live. In other words, at the micro-level that you%26#039;re talking about, the DNA %26amp; mitochondria in our cells make us live and keeps our heart beating and the body working in perfect harmony.

You%26#039;re asking a scientific question and then you%26#039;re asking about something called the soul??

There%26#039;s no such thing as the soul as it has never been found or proven by science. If you%26#039;ve even found out, please support your question by showing concrete-proofs.

Man is not much different from other animals, it%26#039;s just a better animal or rather a social animal.
Reply:So sorry, physicist do not believe matter and energy are the same as each is in a different state of existence, exhibiting different patterns of activity, different properties, etc.

Although it is interesting to opine on what make us who and what we are, perhaps it is wiser to realize that we are and we do that which we do so as to learn how to live and do the same in mindful awareness with loving kindness, compassion and caring for all.

What is the meaning of life?

To develop some imagination and ask a better question. This old chestnut has been asked a million times already... yawn yawn
What is the meaning of life?
lol id recommend you search %26quot;meaning of life%26quot;

and youll get about a thousand answers, more than what you need
What is the meaning of life?
Reply:The search for meaning, is why there seems to be none!
Reply:Only GOD knows.
Reply:Only the present moment can answer that question for there is nothing else, no past and no future that we can concretely say is real and show others.

Only the present moment can show us what we are and what we mean and what everything around us a.k.a. life means.
Reply:Life can mean many different things depending on who we are, what we think and what we do. Our life in this world is like a journey where we pass through joy, happiness, sorrow, pain and suffering. In the process of passing each phase we can learn something new from it, regarding ourselves, regarding the people we love, regarding morals, ethics, divine etc. One way of finding those aspects can be through suffering; but it certainly isn鈥檛 the only way. But if suffering is a part of life which everyone has to go through at some point; instead of taking it as a bad thing why not take it as a challenge, and struggle to find some sort of meaning as the meaning of life might just be the search for making life meaningful.-----------(tht%26#039;s just a paragraph from one of my papers on Man%26#039;s search for meaning)
Reply:LIFE is an opportunity---to share, to love and to be the best person u can be. In this world of ours where there seems be a lot of chaos, hungry people around, people killing other people and things like that, we indeed need to do something to make a difference. But to change the world, we need to start with ourself. For though we may not have notice it, every act we do affects the other.

Do you think it's wrong for the way rock stars, and hip hop rappers live their sex life?

the rich have access to all the free puss in the world and they definetely take advantage of you think it%26#039;s morally wrong for them doing it? also, how can a woman ever get their celeb boyfriend or husband to be faithful?
Do you think it%26#039;s wrong for the way rock stars, and hip hop rappers live their sex life?
they worked for it, so they probably deserved it.

if your talented, show it and share it to the world and the world will pay you back
Do you think it%26#039;s wrong for the way rock stars, and hip hop rappers live their sex life?
The only sex life I care about is my own (and by mutual agreement, my wife%26#039;s).

There%26#039;s far too much concern for what goes on in others%26#039; bedrooms. So long as people are honest with their sex partners, and it%26#039;s among consenting adults, I want to leave them alone.
Reply:of course, i only believe in sex w/ your spouse. these people are feeling no true love, they%26#039;re just living a life of sin
Reply:its the way of the world, not just humans. animals with high status get to %26#039;poke%26#039; whoever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want.
Reply:no one really knows about their sex life, so I don%26#039;t think you do either. What does it matter anyway, who cares? As long as they don%26#039;t do your partner it should not matter.
Reply:They remind me of an Old Tom Cat. Most likely they got their skills from this animal yet they are like the Jekyll and Hyde personality wanting the rights to their human side also.They inbreed with those most like the Tom who has mesmerized the stray cats and humans who are in search of a different tool of life.There is no faithfulness in a Tom Cat.
Reply:no, %26quot;morally wrong%26quot; has no meaning, it%26#039;s an illusion.

it depends on the people involved
Reply:You need only listen to their lyrics to answer your question, but there are always those that will spend good money to dance with the Devil and his minions.
Reply:It%26#039;s wrong for a lot of people to do a lot of things, but they still do them, and you cannot tell somebody how to live there life, also you cannot %26quot;get%26quot; somebody to be faithful in my view, if they are unfaithful then they are not committed to the relationship and it cannot work.

What's your orientation?

I just used part of this answer for another question, but it seems to apply here as well so:

We experience emotional life, embodied life, and psychological life--in their aesthetic immediacy, within which determinate differentiations come and go. In this way, change, and understanding change, is pervasive. Theories follow from questions, and correct theories follow from confirmation of experimental results. In other words, the scientific method is one way to expand our horizons, but that method works best when dealing with physical phenomena. The scientific method is less effective when it comes to expanding our psychological and emotional horizons and these horizons are immediately sensed.

I will give Arthur Eddington the last words here. He was possibly the first person to fully comprehend Einstein’s relativity theory. He also headed up the famous expedition that photographed the solar eclipse which offered proof of relativity theory.

Eddington believed that if you want to fill a vessel you must first make it hollow (the emptiness that vexes). He also said, “our present conception of the physical world is hollow enough to hold almost anything,” hollow enough to hold “that which asks the question,” hollow enough to hold “the scheme of symbols connected by mathematical equations that describes the basis of all phenomena.” He also said, however, “If ever the physicist solves the problem of the living body, he should no longer be tempted to point to his result and say ‘That’s you.’ He should say rather ‘That is the aggregation of symbols which stands for you in my description and explanation of those of your properties which I can observe and measure. If you claim a deeper insight into your own nature by which you can interpret these symbols—a more intimate knowledge of the reality which I can only deal with by symbolism—you can rest assured that I have no rival interpretation to propose. The skeleton is the contribution of physics to the solution of the Problem of Experience; from the clothing of the skeleton it (physics) stands aloof.” (Wilber, 2001, p. 194)
What%26#039;s your orientation?
Simple question deserves simple answer:


What "grounds" us?

gravity =P
What %26quot;grounds%26quot; us?
Gravity....keeps us anchored. Everyone has a different anchor that helps ground them reflective of their personal life experience...But love is the common ground.
What %26quot;grounds%26quot; us?
Reply:Responsibility and the need for security. I suppose most of us want to lead as stable life as possible, and mainly have to stay grounded to achieve this...
Reply:M E T A P H O R

Can an honest, humble man become a salesman without losing his soul?

and without changing so much that his friends will no longer recognize him, even if what he%26#039;s selling is a good thing?
Can an honest, humble man become a salesman without losing his soul?
since there is no such thing as a soul, sure he can
Can an honest, humble man become a salesman without losing his soul?
Yes, a truly humble man has the strongest foundation in which to establish and succeed in any business.
Reply:why not? sales doesn%26#039;t mean dishonesty. Sales is also one of the best profession in the world. It just depends on his selling style...
Reply:Personal integrity is an individual choice. Whatever career a man chooses, it%26#039;s up to him to decide whether or not he%26#039;ll do his job with honesty, dignity, and respect for others. For some it%26#039;s not an easy choice in the face of financial gain, but it is possible.
Reply:Yes, but they usually starve to death.
Reply:He could. What is required is the integrity to sell only superior products. That opportunity is vanishingly rare. So an honest, humble man can become a salesman, but he%26#039;ll starve...
Reply:yes he would help if he was selling something he felt very strongly about. if not then he probably wouldn%26#039;t make many sales.
Reply:yes way not?
Reply:You were brought to the philosophy forum with this question because it is here that you may acquire a deeper understanding about this issue. Try to %26quot;step back%26quot; from your particular vocational conflict, and look beyond to the wider whole.


From the moment we are born, we endeavor to sell ourselves to those around us. Everything we say, do or think involves %26quot;selling%26quot; at some level. Once you have acquired a deeper level understanding of this phenomena, you will be able to reconcile your problem.

Being comfortable in the natural state of always being in the %26quot;sales%26quot; mode (which we all are anyway) will help you achieve success without losing your soul. You will also have greater success %26amp; satisfaction in the long run than those who tend to abuse our natural sales charicteristic for short term gain.

Moderation in ALL things is the key to a life worth living...
Reply:this reminds me of Holy Man he could sell the people anything because he was a good heart.

but that was just a movie and i really dont think so because

you cant go half way and stand in the middle of the road

for the rest of your life, you will get hit.

either cross the street or dont.
Reply:Good question. I did that very thing in my 20s. I was a math teacher and for one reason and another ended up making insurance presentations - which when you think about it is nothing more than teaching them some math - and did very well and retained my respectability and honor. However. A lot of people STILL treated me like a slick liar and challenged my assertions - often these were people who were not educated enough to even understand the proof had I proven it to them. So I would go home with a dozen good sized cuts to my ego and dignity each week, sometimes even in tears.;

After a couple of years I walked away from it. Fack em. They can have each other.

I would say this to - in all that time I met perhaps a hundred other insurance agents - and there wasn%26#039;t one I would voluntarily have into my home.
Reply:It is easier to be a selfish and dishonest salesman, than to be it%26#039;s opposite. But the first one above will not lasts long as trustworthy from the people is a biggest factor to keep the good business on..

Whereas sales based on full of lies and deceptions. Can be an instant boom of short term success in a certain field of sales. Sooner or later facts about the quality value of the product being at sale will possibly come out into notice.

No one can possibly find good merits on a proud and egoistic sales personel. As it is one of the most important rules that customers are always first.

There are special techniques in sales progress where in one can value important rules and conduct to get the best way to prosper.

Trust is very important between the consumer.

When one strives to work hard. There are times we find ourselves into isolation from others, in some quite many ways, when it comes to competiton. It is a part of the big challenge we%26#039;re in, in the business world specially in the field of sales.
Reply:Everybody sells. A job is selling your time to a employer. A date is selling yourself as a potential partner.

Everybody sells. Everybody buys. This is just the nature of life.

What ever your profession, what destroys the soul is a failure to keep the intrests of your family, friends %26amp; countrymen in mind.

You don%26#039;t lose your soul by selling. You lose it by selling crap or lying about your product to people you are SUPPOSED to be treating fairly.
Reply:It depends, in large measure, on his boss. The problem is, many sales managers put undue pressure on the salesman to sell, %26quot;whatever it takes,%26quot; or they may get even more overt in requiring production over integrity. %26quot;Just tell him...%26quot;

I have sold for a living, and done it my way (the right way). But if you are taking orders (not just in sales) and disavowing any moral responsibility for your actions with the bromidic, %26quot;Just doin my job...%26quot; then you%26#039;ve already given up your soul.

Is it possible to be objective?

Is it possible to be objective?
No. We ALL have preconceived ideas. We filter everything through our past experiences, and place our own meanings and interpretations upon all events.
Is it possible to be objective?
No connection,

mental clarity ,

intelligence to preform the action,

moral opinion,

ethical outlook and fairness for all concerned without any prejudice for any reason.

Absolutely no outside influence.

You can not observe a situation without affecting said situation.

We operate with a bias at all times. Many of us may be able to tone down our Bias meters to a 1 out of 10 so we appear to be fairly objective, but in reality the bias simply goes undetected.

Even as I answer this question I know I am biased towards no objective truth and no objective reality...that everything is subjective. Hence I justify my own statement that no one can be truly 100% objective.

If I believed I didn%26#039;t have a bias but I promoted objective truth and objective reality...well I have already disproven my statement by choosing one of many possible outlooks and then picking one, while at the same time claiming it is the only choice and the true choice.
Reply:I do not think so. Everyone%26#039;s remarks, judgments, and thoughts come from his or her particular perspective. There is no way out of this dilemma. To determine whether someone was was being completely impartial, you would need to find a way to be outside the human race judging the reality of a situation and measuring the justice with which a remarker, judge, or thinker apprehended. However, it is impossible to get outside the human race.

Moreover, how do you bridge the gap from perceiver to perceived? That is, how do you know that what you or anyone thinks is out there really is out there? You can%26#039;t. You might be dreaming right now.

Finally, thinking itself is a game of words. That throws away all notions of objectivity. You think in words. Words, however, are not the things themselves. They represent the things. We manipulate the words rather than the things. Therefore, your/my/anyone%26#039;s perception is always at one remove. It can never be found true (or false). Thinking is a semantic game. It has no end or objectivity.
Reply:Of course it is.

Just because we have a subjective consciousness doesn%26#039;t mean that we refer, all the time, to subjective matters.

It%26#039;s a silly post-modernist idea that consciousness is the same as reality, and we all live our own reality with our own truth. This is obviously mistaken, apparent in that to state such a rule is to speak objectively in the first place. The claim itself that all reality is subjective is an objective claim.

The fact is every field of study of man, engages itself in that which is objective. When you speak of laws of physics, classification of chemicals, or living entities; when you speak of mathematical statements, or linguistic structure; when you speak about logic, and morality. Anything that can be spoken of and related to by all, is by definition objective.

The way to be objective about an issue, is to effectively go beyond that which is part of your consciousness and limit yourself to that which can become part of every consciousness (not by popular influence, but by rational necessity). The things that can be part of every consciousness are the objective, and they are only rationally attained. Reason is the means to objectivity. Ideas such as %26quot;the world exists%26quot; or %26quot;2+2=4%26quot; can not only become popular in many consciousnesses, but are rationally undeniable to them. This is because they refer to objective reality. By engaging in them, we are, effectively, being objective.
Reply:Sure - you can look at two trees and see which one is taller -
Reply:When your subjectivity (knowledge and opinions and theories) directly match something in material existence, and you describe that thing, or use that thing, in a manner that confirms your subjectivity and the objective nature of the object--THEN and ONLY THEN can you be objective.

But since there are 15-24 %26quot;valid%26quot; syllogisms, there CAN BE more than one objective point of %26quot;knowledge%26quot; about any subject. You and someone else who disagrees with you can both be right.

%26quot;A horse is a quadraped,%26quot; and %26quot;A running horse has, for a brief moment, no hoofs touching the ground%26quot; are each valid and sound. You are thus both right, if the question is:

%26quot;How many feet does it require for a horse to run?%26quot; Thus, you are both objective.

(A horse can%26#039;t exist with only 3 legs, like a dog or cat. They can%26#039;t balance themselves when standing up.)

What does God mean by "peace on earth and GOOD will towards man"?

I don%26#039;t remember God saying this. It is a simple wish or benediction. (made a pretty good song phrase, too.)
What does God mean by %26quot;peace on earth and GOOD will towards man%26quot;?
that means there will peace on earth and good will come toward man
What does God mean by %26quot;peace on earth and GOOD will towards man%26quot;?
considering that god is fictional, he can%26#039;t possibly mean anything by it
Reply:He wants peace to prevail throughout the world and people will live in peace and harmony doing good with each others.
Reply:Do you mean =what did the original Christmas carol writer have in mind .

A happy day to rejoice the birth of Christ .

That%26#039;s under attack.

Are we doomed to live only a subjective life?

We live an objective life, with a subjective consciousness.

The fact that ideas about life don%26#039;t only affect you as a subject, but when rational, affect all life, should serve as evidence of the objectivity of life. Furthermore these rational ideas about life would still apply if your subjective faculties (your consciousness) were somehow suspended or impaired, whether you%26#039;re asleep, faint, put under anesthetic, or fall into a coma. In every case you are still alive and in every case, you live without subjectivity. Life happens without needing someone to be conscious of it.

The error is in equating consciousness with life, or even arrogantly, with reality. Reality is objective; life is part of objective reality; consciousness is the subjective faculty or life associated with awareness of reality.
Are we doomed to live only a subjective life?
ONLY a subjective life? It is the subjectiveness that gives any meaning to anything. Otherwise we would be as interested in life as a leg is interested to be part of a table.

And no, we are not doomed to it - we are fortunate if we have it. The starkest mental illnesses are the absence of it. Those people don%26#039;t feel anything.

Was I going to do it matter what? Then what's the point?

None, in your case, if you are that empty. Drive, on the other hand, is what separates winners from losers.
Was I going to do it matter what? Then what%26#039;s the point?
I was going to eat dinner last night--no matter what--and I did it.

I know the point of doing things you intend to do.

Why don%26#039;t you?
Was I going to do it matter what? Then what%26#039;s the point?
Is this inner conflict or conflict from outside? Was people trying to stop you or you stopping yourself? Luckily you did not do it yet, or did you? Then what is the point of asking?
Reply:Of resisting. But then again I have a free will which means I have a second to either agree or not . What magnitude is this force which draws my life so near to do this which becomes past tense in one short moment.I climbed and I fell over and over again.

Want do you want for the rest of your life?

Sex, beer, rock and roll, and loads of dosh.
Want do you want for the rest of your life? 2 tha bein my own huge successful company dat is global....tha list goes on...
Want do you want for the rest of your life?
A nice quiet pain free retirement.
Reply:Be happy

Have a happy family

No pressure

No worries

Knowing that if I die, my life would have been a success!
Reply:i want to rest my life in a good ways because life is not us and it is own by the divine power which is god, i want to rest also my life in good conditions without doubt and without caress.
Reply:i what a faithful patner
Reply:Total satisfaction in what I have acomplished and happiness.
Reply:I want for the rest of my life to be remembered to have done meaningful and useful life. I want to be more of an asset to people i come along with than a liability. And most of all, I want my children to grow up and live to be God fearing, God loving and with respect and love to fellow men.
Reply:Everything i have up to now and a lot more of the in the future,life is really great, so who wants to be dead in the head and in there heart.
Reply:i would love my heart to love again.
Reply:Living in paradise under the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 6:9,10
Reply:If we are asking this question then that means a good deal of life has already been lived, possibly quite actively. Then what do I want from the rest of my life? I want rest from the rest of my life. This is say that I want the all the things of the past coming together nicely now and for all the time to come. I will be sheer pleasure to find myself again when I scattered so many time at different times of my life; then it would also be nice if my failures and my successes of the past would come to a balance, it my sorrow would come to deepen may sense of happiness and my delight to lighten my moments of sadness now. I would like to find myself when and where I went missing in the past, I would like to have old acquaintances, friends coming along and reconcile, my passions rekindled and my experience making so much more of all the wealth I have gathered so far. I like to learn to accept with open arms the good things I turn away in the past, I want to feel true sense of gratitude in my prayers.
Reply:I want to go home.
Reply:Inspiration, balance, hope, health, happiness and plenty of great coffee!
Reply:happiness :)
Reply:Good health.




Good donuts
Reply:lol im not sure

Do you enjoy your life?

I%26#039;m 20 years old and I don%26#039;t really think I%26#039;ve enjoyed my life that much.

I%26#039;ve had good days and I%26#039;ve had bad days like everyone else but isn%26#039;t there usually more bad days then good days?

I wish I was a dog with good owners, look how easy their lifes are :D

Nah but really, to this day have you enjoyed your life and can you now die happy? I couldn%26#039;t, there is a lot more I need to target in my life but what to target I don%26#039;t know...

This is where the question is asked, what is the meaning of life?

I feel that I%26#039;ve got targets to reach, but those targets I don%26#039;t have a clue what they could be and this is scary but exciting!
Do you enjoy your life?
Yes, I love My life, and it%26#039;s because I don%26#039;t want it all.
Do you enjoy your life?
Yes and no, im glad to be alive and go to school and be able to shower,eat,drink whenever I want but otherwise when i think about it my life kinda sucks !

Nothing exciting happens,

But you only have one life soo i suppose you have to live it well, the way you want to !
Reply:yes, i love my life becoz i have a goal
Reply:yep happy, sure i have bad days, but that wont stop me!
Reply:no i%26#039;m married with kids
Reply:My life is fantastic. It is possible to enjoy the bad days as well as good days....all days have their value....

Could I die happy now? No, too much left to see and do.....
Reply:As a 40 year old I do enjoy my life. I am loved, needed, and appreciated by my family and friends. My only hope is I make them as happy.
Reply:I%26#039;m a teenager. Teens these days live such AVERAGE lives.

Come on, how many teens out there can say that they have thrilling lifestyles?
Reply:yes, i enjoy my life so much because life are conditional and unconditional, it is depend of decisions of humans and decisions of ones self.
Reply:I believe everybody has targets to fulfill. And when they have reached them, there is feeling that will be incredible. But along the way you must make targets for yourself that will make you happy as well. I told myself to do/try something new when I could. I%26#039;ve taken up new sports and tried new foods and to my surprise it made me happier. I even got a dog with no idea how to look after one. The result changed my life and every time I see him I happy. If something doesn%26#039;t work out for you then try something else. We all have one life, make the most of it.
Reply:Although my life have ups and downs, i think i have enjoyed life because i was blessed and protected by God. I have tried to live life like i have to die anytime and i have worked for myself and my family as if i have to live forever.And most of all i have friends and family who cares for me.
Reply:I do like my life but like everyone I have the bad weeks/days. .
Reply:Of course i hv enjoyed my life so far hehehe...

i think people have their own meaning of life, why they are created, and why they life.... like a spinning wheel, they will spin, spin, and spin again and without knowing they are moving so far to a direction, you will know what your meaning of life as long as you stay in your path/direction
Reply:Ask it again after you have lived for another 40 years, i never had any real plan about what i wanted to do before i got to twenty as everyone wrote me off at an early age, but when i did decide there was no holding back and no looking back i was free of prejudice and able to enjoy everything and i mean every thing I did %26quot;SO GOOD LUCK AND NEVER LET GIVE UP%26quot;
Reply:Yes, but I could do with a bit more money for me to buy a good laptop/computer and a games console!
Reply:i agree, my life isn%26#039;t very bright and exciting also. But we have to think positive and try to live our lives as happily as we can. That%26#039;s why it%26#039;s %26quot;better to settle for half%26quot;
Reply:Yes, I enjoy my life. I have purpose and I also have a loving family.
Reply:At 60 years young,I enjoy each and every day of my life.Have I reached all my targets,not all of them.But that%26#039;s what makes life so enjoyable,the quest for the obtainable,enjoyable things in life that usually cost nothing,sunrises,sunsets,the aroma of good food cooking,the sound of laughter,a babbling brook,a solitary bird%26#039;s song in the middle of a forest,a whales song,these are some of the many memories that make my life meaningful and enjoyable.My life has been and continues to be an incredible journey.I never cease to be amazed at the wonders so many take for granted.Is my life perfect?No,I have had and will most likely have times that are less than perfect,but that%26#039;s what makes life such an incredible journey and adventure.
Reply:Yes, exactly.

I know if I died tommorow, I will be bummed because I haven%26#039;t really accomplished anything I wanted to.

However, it makes things harder since the things I want to do are practically impossible.

I%26#039;m not asking for an easy, perfect life.

Just a worth while one.

I%26#039;m scared because I honestly don%26#039;t think I will get what I want from life.

But I%26#039;m excited at the things I will do in the future.

As for the meaning of life, I don%26#039;t know.

But I hope someday I will find it out =)
Reply:No I don%26#039;t enjoy my life, not how it is now... but I do think life is there to be enjoyed. Its about circumstances, out look and disposition. Things change, nothing stays the same. Have hope.

My dog Lily has a great life! She is a happy little soul... she teaches me to appreciate the here and now... to forgive past misdeeds... to love unconditionally... to laugh and have a sense of humour at all time.... she also teaches me to deal with being shown up in public (when she wants me to chase her round the fiend refusing to come back in full view of other owners!!) So yeah dogs have great lives... but she was abused for the first 10 weeks of her life... so she shows me that you can get over a bad start and be happy. She had her leg broken as a puppy, ended up in rescue. Must of had a terrible time of it all. But now, she is SOOOoo happy and full of joy and life! Her attitude teaches me a lot.

What is the biggest killer in this world?




The thing that really annoys me is, if there is not a such thing as God then surely religon has been a big disaster as many have died through it.
What is the biggest killer in this world?
What is the biggest killer in this world?
Reply:Cancer x
Reply:there is a god he just dosent care
Reply:considering that man used to live to an average of 40 years until modern medicine started around 150 years ago, I%26#039;d say lack of medical care is the biggest killer.
Reply:historically, its religion, but under Bush its oil
Reply:Apathy and self-righteousness
Reply:Old age.
Reply:Bush, Blair and their way of democracy
Reply:Moral relativity
Reply:i believe its drugs.

so many ppl are taking pills and smoking joints.

it wrecks lives and even makes them kill for sum more
Reply:i agree with your point of religon

it would be most disasterous thing in the world
Reply:It%26#039;s war. And Love. People fight mainly over what they love. Think about it: War is caused by government, who wont stop the war, because of the love of power.

People that fight over religion, it%26#039;s not the religion itself, its the love of the religion

Drugs: The love of drugs and smoking

It%26#039;s all because of us being selfish with what we love :)

With more than 5 million deaths a year, more than all the wars combined.
Reply:Disease - Cancer is the biggest killer by far.
Reply:yeah its caused untold wars in the past

it in our nature to destroy ourselves
Reply:From past experiences - Lonlyness!
Reply:Hitler %26amp; Stalin so non of the above, either that or the ww1
Reply:For me its drug. Drug had been used by many powerful people to generate money while destroying lives of young and old people alike. Money goes to fund politic, war and even running government.
Reply:%26quot;kill a person than you are a murderer, kill hundreds than you are a conquerer, kill thousands and you are a god.%26quot;
Reply:death ?
Reply:george bush.
Reply:I reckon that the biggest killer is the whole human race.
Reply:Let%26#039;s put this in prospective .

One thing mankind is in charge =destructive .

G-d was here and all we could do is offend with our false sense of deceit,that he saw through easily.

G-d left us to punish ourselves .

He sent Jesus so we may not perish from our complete stupidity.

And we through time have never changed.

Mankind is only happy when they are in the house of greed and destruction.

The rest of us pay one way or another.
Reply:how have people religion died through religion?

if you%26#039;r talking about wars then you are so wrong

watch the news. properly

and suicide bombers- they%26#039;r insane

they just use religion as an excuse

islam doen%26#039;t say kill. at all

i recon it%26#039;s power hungry people and politics, all those riots and stuff. i reckon humans are the biggest killers in the world.

they invented all these drugs and guns and decicions which hav torn the world apart.
Reply:None of the above by a long way.

Sugar is up there amongst the biggest modern day killers with more people dying annually through obesity and diabetes than via malnutrition.

Aids and Cancer are also still mass killers.

Having said that famine kills millions of people annually.

Pollution is a killer with millions dying from breathing complications and toxic poisoning caused by living in polluted areas (a big problem in emerging nations such as China, India, Mexico, and Brazil)

Car accidents account for at least 3 million lives lost annually and thats just a conservative guess.

Religion and Drugs! probably no more than 1 million combined and part of that includes crime related killings.

If you know that you're gonna die tomorrow, what are the stuffs would ya like to do today?

lol, i am so bored that i could not found any other question to ask, damn me!
If you know that you%26#039;re gonna die tomorrow, what are the stuffs would ya like to do today?
If you know that you%26#039;re gonna die tomorrow, what are the stuffs would ya like to do today?
%26quot;Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.%26quot;

-- Martin Luther King Jr.
Reply:I would go out with my family and friend and enjoy being with them, talk with them without telling them i am going to die the next day. With that way, ithey will remember our last happy day together.
Reply:Why you bored, can you not think of anything other than dying, i would do nothing that i haven%26#039;t done till now, as i have lived with the possibility of dying from S.D.S. all my life from my illness. JUST GO GET A LIFE AND STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF ??????????????
Reply:I would do everything that brings me fear. MY fears are origniated from risk. The risk means possible loss. If I%26#039;m dying tomorrow, what do I have left to lose? I would go parachuting, bunjee-jumping, etc. I wouldn%26#039;t do anything to hurt anyone other than myself (i.e.: standing in a highway, speeding too much) or anything that would obviously cause death (ie: jumping off a building). The last thing I would do is leave someone with a life%26#039;s lesson. I%26#039;m not sure how, but I would figure out a way and do it. Kind of like the way they do in movies. I would put together a scavenger hunt of morality. A good movie for this is %26quot;The Ultimate Gift%26quot;. =]
Reply:Since I live each day as if it is to be my last one anyway ( because you just never know)...I wouldnt do anything other than what I am doing now...
Reply:this is what you come up with when bored

-and you are not happy with it

I kinda like it

it is a good beginning

to my day

will help me to

remember to cherish

to hold the moment

and to thank the higher powers

at the end of it

I would really enjoy my

cup of coffee more

while sitting out in the


listening to birds

picking up bugs to move


looking for frogs

for snakes

the smiles

I horde,

giving rarely

I would freely

happily give to anyone

especially people

I do not know

I would out and watch clouds

for an hour

maybe two

sing out loud


even if I can not carry

a tune

I would stop at the playground

and swing up high as I could

touch the sky

like I did

feels like a long time

ago, in my youth

I would find a puddle

to splash in

if none were around,

I would make one

and enjoy the time

I had

I would each of my


I would call names


of those I loved

the ones I have

not talked to

in an eon maybe more

the ones that caused me


or grief

to let them know

I never stopped

cherishing the

time we%26#039;d had

nor did I forget them

in my prayers

I would tell no one

what I knew

then it would be too hard

I would just go about what

I always do

only each part,

I would tuck


after dinner was through

after things washed

and back on shelf

I would take out my journal

my scrapbook

I would paste

the flowers from the day

and mark them

sweetest scent

the water from my

puddles, the mud

on cuffs and I would

paint the sun I saw rising

write about the silliness

of how I spent that

last day

a little different than

the rest

I savored the taste of

a greeting

I swam thru waters to you

I flew across the sky

just to one last time

reach you

you are my very essence

my reason

my rhymne

you always

were my life

I taught the birds

our song

they%26#039;ll sing it just

for you

the bugs will keep the


the frogs will

make sure they


I gave away my


you%26#039;ll find them all thru town

and as the day

goes on

know I%26#039;m still around

I wrote out all the names

of family, friends for you

I jotted down the little things

I know that you forget

that I love you, need you

cherish you... since the minute

I first felt you

to take care of yourselves

to eat healthy, love freely

learn, grow

remind you once again

there is only special

you also to let go

of hurt and pain

each day before

you are thru

I stole this day from


I owe you one

sweet ones

I wanted no tears

to see me off

just your smiles

and the daily


your arguments

battles with

all - I hold them

close right now

I know you will find

your way

and hold each other


I wanted to share

with you

my gift those memories


my scrapbook finally done

the sun rises

almost out of time

I worked on this book

for you

I never let you see

told you when it%26#039;s done

in time

so long ago it began


I was very small

the first page,

first lesson

snails are snails

slugs are slugs

and no matter how much

you pull

the shells come off

the life is gone

I tried to change the rules

I tried to change my world

I learned that day

of rules

or hurt

of death

the cost and yet

the path left

was fresh

my book

it%26#039;s made for you

full special times

small and large

smiles, hearts

full of me now

forgive me

I knew all day

I knew

I leave to you the world

reality that too

dreams and hope

and clouds

to teach you

daily anew

enjoy and grow

wiser still

and love freely

all the day

never sleep till

wrongs are righted

keep me close

I ask of you

What is the meaning Weaving the pale web of hours?

fruit gathering of R. Tagore

How to find purpose or meaning in your individual life?

this is like a really stupid answer, but u have to look within urself,WHATEVER THAT MEANS
How to find purpose or meaning in your individual life?
pay attention to whats happening to you ,around you and for you and piece them together and you will figure out what your purpose in life is and what it means... in most cases it may take most or all of your life before you actually figure out why god put you here....


How to find purpose or meaning in your individual life?
Read the bible. You%26#039;ll find your purpose in life. (%26quot;,)

What Is Your Purpose in Life?

Part of God’s purpose for us is that we take good care of ourselves and of our families. This includes caring for both physical and spiritual needs. Balance is needed in doing this, however, so that secular interests and concerns do not eclipse the more important spiritual ones. (Matthew 4:4; 6:33) Regrettably, many people focus their life almost exclusively on the acquiring of material things. Yet, trying to satisfy all our needs solely with material things is unrealistic. A recent survey of millionaires in Asia reveals that many of them “feel insecure and troubled, even as they enjoy the social status and the sense of accomplishment their wealth brings.”—Ecclesiastes 5:11.

Jesus spoke of “the deceptive power of riches.” (Mark 4:19) How are riches deceptive? They appear to make one happy, but they do not. “The man who loves money can never have enough,” noted wise King Solomon. (Ecclesiastes 5:10, The New English Bible) But is it possible to pursue materialistic goals and still serve God whole-souled? No, it is not. Jesus explained: “No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. You cannot slave for God and for Riches.” Jesus urged his followers to store up, not material goods on earth, but “treasures in heaven,” that is, to establish a good name with God, who “knows what things you are needing before ever you ask him.”—Matthew 6:8, 19-25.

In writing to his fellow worker Timothy, the apostle Paul gave some strong counsel in this regard. He told Timothy: “Give orders to those who are rich . . . to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment . . . , to be liberal, ready to share, safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, in order that they may get a firm hold on the real life.”—1 Timothy 6:17-19.
Reply:i doubt whether their is a purpose or meaning it%26#039;s just one of those things that just is. Just make the most of it. Organise, plan participate in adventures----enjoying the environment, riding a bicycle, kayaking the oceans----amazing how far you can get using just people power, surprise yourself ! I enjoy yachting as well. There may not be a purpose but when your skimming the waves and the wind is powering you along a purpose is not at all important as just being there
Reply:What are the things that you like to do? What goals do you want to achieve? You need to figure out what YOU want and you probably shouldn%26#039;t know your purpose in life until the end of your life. Hope this helps and don%26#039;t worry about it as long as you are happy with yourself and your life. :)
Reply:You have to find a relashionship with God, and he will show you the way. Hope that helped


Reply:Find out what you enjoy, what causes you to feel happy, then expound on that subject or idea.

Finding your purpose can be as simple as learning to make a wonderful dish that everyone loves to eat. Little things DO mean a lot. Or it could mean helping others or just being the best at %26quot;whatever%26quot; you can be, while accepting your own limitations.

Meaning in your life can be as simple as learning to love yourself and accept you for you. But, that also involves taking responsibility for your thoughts, words, deeds and emotions and delving into your %26quot;dark side%26quot; and fixing what needs to be fixed or corrected about your personality.

Finding purpose and meaning in your life could be as simple as learning to enjoy your life no matter what happens during your stint on this earth.
Reply:It%26#039;s what you make it.
Reply:You are not suppose to find purpose or meaning in your life.

Everything in life is DIY.

You are suppose to make your life meaningful by creating a purpose for yourself.
Reply:Read %26quot; Mans Search For Meaning%26quot; by Victor Frankl. Every persons life has purpose and meaning and the mere fact you ask this question puts you on the beginning of the journey to find it. Enjoy the journey and take care.
Reply:Beautiful Smily: It not that complicated. Integrate to people around you and define what you are good at, and like. A kiss for you.
Reply:Pay attention to what comes out of you...if it makes you feel good, your on the right path.
Reply:this is a perticularly difficult issue for scientists who see the world as it really is. personally, i dont believe in any gods and i know that the role of a human is too make more humans, to reproduce. this is simply the purpose of our life. since i can see no way to make my life better then what i already do, i dedicate my life to helping other people, to saving lives by becomming a surgeon. this is how i give my life meaning, by giving other people a chance to live.

Terrorists or Freedom Fighter?

I am sick and tired about hearing how people from Afghanistan, Iraq %26amp; Palestine are Terrorists.

This is not true, they are simply fighting for their own freedom.

If another country invaded us would you accept it and get on with life? Or will you be tough and fight for your freedom, your pride?

Going out to Iraq is not fighting for your own country, it%26#039;s called terrorism because that is what we are doing right now.. invading other countries and then killing their people!

You fight for your own country IN your own country, not in other countries. It was our choice to be there, we could easily have walked away.

Your thoughts?
Terrorists or Freedom Fighter?
I agree with the idea of them fighting for their freedom, its just the innocent being killed riles me.
Terrorists or Freedom Fighter?
well u r right but not all Terrorists r Freedom Fighters, some do it because they want people 2 beleve in what they beleve in.
Reply:when america yook up arms against the english it was called a revolution. after over 800 years of foreign invasion when the irish did the same thing it was branded terrorism. how can you be a terrorist in your own country looking down the barrel of an invading gun.
Reply:Everybody wants to be left alone - including decent people, robbers, rapists and killers. You earn being left alone by behaving well and in concert with others. Otherwise yoiu are subject to intrusion, such as receiving a speeding ticket from a cop, or a military intervention from the rest of the world.
Reply:I agree with you, when ever people are allways like,%26quot;They are horrible people! Those Freaking Iraq soldiers!%26quot; I usally think well we do the same thing, we bomb, we shoot guns, and we kill. But no one ever says anything about that!
Reply:i don%26#039;t know what to think any more.

i%26#039;m sick to

i agree but i also disagree.

for various reasons

i%26#039;ve been called a terrorist and stuff when i%26#039;m only a 15 year old girl and people have just started generalising that all muslims are terrorists and islam is a religion of terror. when it%26#039;s a bit clear that we%26#039;re not. it%26#039;s just those people fighting for they%26#039;re counrty who happen to be muslims.

us muslims do everything in the name of allah- even going to the loo in the name of allah. and just because those %26#039;freedom fighters%26#039; say they are doing it in the name of allah, doesn%26#039;t mean they are doing it because allah said so, because he didn%26#039;t.

it%26#039;s just a praise sort of thing.

and becuase they are making islam look bad. i don%26#039;t like what they are doing

but then again they should defend there counrty because no one else will.

know what i mean?
Reply:Whether someone is labeled as a Terrorist or a Freedom Fighter depends on your point of view. A terrorist is a freedom fighter who is fighting against you, and a freedom fighter is a terrorist who is fighting for you.

The definitions are so ambiguous that neither term can be clearly defined. So I guess that all we can do is to drop the labels altogether and start to think about what are the motives behind the actions.

Labeling people as %26quot;terrorists%26quot; gives us justification to hate them, and to treat them as enemies, and to do immoral things to them, because the term carries negative connotations with it. The US would not be in Iraq or Afghanistan if the label had never been accepted by the american people. As it is, some people do not accept the label, and thus we have opposing viewpoints on the issue.

The bottom line, for me, will be that %26quot;terrorists%26quot; and %26quot;freedom fighters%26quot; and everyone else in the world, are just people, and as people we respond to the situations that we are faced with.
Reply:it is not freedom fighter or terrorism it is money

every war has to be profitable in order to continue. period.
Reply:A terrorist is someone who is spreading terror, a freedom fighter is someone who is fighting for freedom. Why would a British Muslim convert be fighting for the freedom of another country? The groups of soldiers in their country are fighting for freedom, although some of the groups, like Al%26#039;Qieda, are not, they are fighting for Islam, which isn%26#039;t even involved with the wars. Our soldiers are not terrorists, they are soldiers who are fighting for the freedom of oppressed nations, i don%26#039;t really care if they are or not, we are at war, that%26#039;s the end of it. We call it the War in Iraq, because the enemy is IN Iraq. Our soldiers ARE fighting for OUR country because they were sent by their country.
Reply:this is all simply human nature.

when two sides are fighting we tend to mark the problem as good vs evil, but the interesting thins is that both sides will claim to be the good and their opponents evil. So in your case, the so called terrorists are our enemies and we call them evil because we are good but the terrorists call themselves %26quot;freedom fighters%26quot; and they call us intruders, invaders, and crusaders. So the stream runs both paths.

choose your side carefully because your opponent has already chosen yours
Reply:I think part of the problem lies in the definition of %26quot;terrorist.%26quot; This word has a very negative and specific connotation in our modern culture. However, tactics that could be deemed the use of terrorist acts have been used throughout history in every situation imaginable. Terrorism was used against Hitler to bring down his regime, but obviously people were fighting for freedom there too. I think that a lot of these people are absolutely %26quot;freedom fighters%26quot; and have every right to want us out of their country, but they might also use what we consider %26quot;terrorist%26quot; tactics to accomplish their goal. As long as they target those responsible for their plight and avoid hurting the innocent, they are justified.
Reply:unfortunatley not many of the combatants in iraq are iraqi civillians a lot are from ourside iraq who are fighting for their own agenda or for control of the new iraq rather than for homeland defence

dont get me wrong im very against the war but some of the insurgents are genuine islamic extremists who carry out suicide bombings on iraqi civillians hence they can be called terrorists however the blanket term insurgents is usually applied rather than terrorists as this covers all aspects of the insurgency including pacifist cells

so in short insurgent is most likley the correct term but because some insurgents participate in terrorist action it would not be entirely wrong to refer to insurgents as terrorists
Reply:how you use words defines your political position in the world, terror is essentially a right wing word while freedom fighter is used more so by those of a left wing persuasion...
Reply:One man%26#039;s terrorist is another man%26#039;s freedom fighter and many freedom fighters experience state terrorism.

I do have a problem when freedom fighters start exporting their actions.

How can killing innocent people in foreign countries help their cause? It alienates those who are sympathetic. The German wife of a British soldier, was killed when his car was blown up by IRA terrorists in Germany. Up to then, Germany had been sympathetic to the %26#039;Irish%26#039; problem, but that attack caused them to think again.

Going back to Iraq, when thousands of Kurds were killed in Halabja in1988, no other country protested. Saddam Husein was a %26#039;great guy%26#039;, who was fighting Iran an could do no wrong.

Now, the US with UK support have invaded Iraq, brought about the execution of Saddam Hussein ... and that%26#039;s about it. The Iraqi people are in a worse situation than they were before 2003. Terrorism is rife. And Al Quaida has much more evidence to convince the disenchanted, that terrorism is the only way out of the situation.
Reply:freedom fighters

I live in Northern Ireland

and I%26#039;m a Catholic

I can identify with those %26quot;terrorists%26quot;
Reply:true true but what is your opinion of Ernesto %26#039;Che%26#039; Guevara who was an argintine who was intrusmental in the liberation of cuba and failed attempts to liberate the peoples of congo and bolivia? was he not a terrorist then? granted he did execute many capitalist sympathisers but is the icon of liberation in cuba and all of latin america

Can the idea of free will and destiny exist together?

Can the idea of free will and destiny exist together?
This is an interesting question.

If there is only destiny then anything you do is pre-ordained and even if you believe it to be your choice then it is not because someone has set your path for you.

If there is no destiny then there is free will, and you can turn left even if everything points to your needing to turn right.

I don%26#039;t believe they can exist together. They are opposite ends of the spectrum.
Can the idea of free will and destiny exist together?
One thing%26#039;s for sure - if we genuinely do have %26quot;free will%26quot; in the sense that most people mean it, then it%26#039;s bad news for the laws of physics as we understand them.

Take something as simple as lifting up that coffee cup to take a drink. Now we can describe the motions of all matter in the Universe in terms of the 3 forces: gravity, electro-weak, and the strong nuclear force (since the weak nuclear force got merged with electrmagnetism). This, along with the rules of general relativity and QM, allows us to make predictions about the motions of galaxies, stars, planets and even light to the extent that we can predict eclipses down to the nearest second, given sufficient computational power.

So, if your decision to take a drink of coffee is truly free, how do we use this to predict the motion of the cup? Nobody, no matter how big their computer, can predict exactly when you make a conscious, free, decision. (I know you can say it%26#039;s down to mechanical, chemical and electrical energy transmitted down your nerves and arm, but the initial conscious decision sets all this in motion.)

So it%26#039;s either one or the other, and some experiments which show that our brain starts %26#039;working%26#039; on decisions before we%26#039;re even conscious of thinking about it suggests very strongly that we don%26#039;t have free will.
Reply:I feel there is some confusion in this thinking.

Freewill, as is understood, is the tool to decide the future course of any action. Destiny , on the other hand , is more like the postmortem of an action.Freewill is instantaneous and natural for all human beings. Based on the freewill you act or you do not act and the choice is yours.

Destiny does not , in any way, stop any action. What help detiny can give to the human being is to act without any worry about the outcome of an action. One of the wisest sayings of the eastern philosophy is that we , human beings, have only the right to act and we have no control, whatsoever , over the results of our action. If this is understood, Destiny becomes a part of freewill.If this is not understood well they are inconflict.
Reply:Some athors have argued that the free ill is doomed, on the grounds that If we have free will, we are not able to cancel our free will and bow to destiny. This contradicts the idea of free will. The problem rises from our absolutist approach. The fact is that, there is neither free will, nor destiny in the absolute sense. Our willpower achieves its goals not by wizardry, but by overcoming the physical laws, and even in doing this it has to pay a price and make tradeoffs. Thereore, there is a certain limit to what our willpower can achieve.
Reply:yes very easy

the destiny will decide after the choices you make in life.

if $choice1 = $good ( $addpoint )

elseif $choice1 = $bad ( $removepoint )

if $choice2 = $good ( $addpoint )

elseif $choice2 = $bad ( $removepoint )


then at some timepoint:

if $points = %26quot;1 - 10%26quot; ( make poor %26amp; send to( %26quot;$HELL%26quot; ))

if $points = %26quot;10 - 100%26quot; ( kill %26amp; send to(%26quot;$REINCARNATION%26quot;))

if $points = %26quot;100 - 1000%26quot; ( make rich %26amp; send to(%26quot;$HEAVEN%26quot;))

am i making any sense ?

wait i think i%26#039;ll have another beer.
Reply:No. Since when did people start believing this. Here are the definitions. Decide for yourself.

Destiny - The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined

A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control

Free Will - The ability or discretion to choose; free choice.

The power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.

See for yourself free will definition even states that it is unconstrained by fate or divine will.
Reply:Yes. That is possible.

Most people have free will until they get married.

The rest of their life are destiny.
Reply:YD%26#039;s answer is great. %26quot;we, human beings, have only the right to act and we have no control, whatsoever , over the results of our action.%26quot; That%26#039;s great, I love it.

I believe that there is a certain end point to which all of humanity is heading (destiny). But, working within those boundaries, I believe that we can make decisions that can alter the course that will lead us to that end (free will). Its like saying that that end point for us all will be reached one day, no matter what we do, but we are free to choose the route that we all take to get there. The choices we make each day can mean that it will take us more, or less, time to get there.

So, my answer is yes, they can both exist together.
Reply:No. They are mutually exclusive.

Free will refers to volition, or the human faculty of intent. With it we choose, decide and act.

Destiny refers to predetermination, or an imagined worldly faculty of intent. With it, the world %26quot;has chosen%26quot;, %26quot;has decided%26quot; and %26quot;has acted%26quot;.

If events are meant (intended) to happen, by will of the world(!), human volition will inevitably be subject to them, and in conflict with this %26quot;intent%26quot;. This makes the concept of free will and the idea of destiny mutually exclusive, where only one could exist. Of course, if you believe irrationally that they both exist, then it seems like a huge problem, and a confusing mystery to have such conflicting intents .

It%26#039;s not.

The reason is that free will exists, and destiny doesn%26#039;t. I mean, destiny exists as an idea, but free will actually exists in nature as a human trait.

So where does destiny come from? The idea of destiny is nothing but a misappropriation of the human faculty of volition to an imagined, inanimate greater entity. Whether it be gods, or the universe, or nature, imagining these entities willful, doesn%26#039;t make them so.

Now, only through will can you have intent, only with intent can you have meaning. Nothing is meant to be, that wasn%26#039;t willed into being. Every event, excluding human action, happens through the interaction of undirected forces. The powers we have to preserve our life with, the powers of human action (rationality, productivity), are, on the contrary, directed by the will, towards this goal of self-preservation. The will is only a feature of entities in the self-preservation game. It is life that is necessary for will. Without will, life ceases to be autonomous, and cannot be considered life.

The reason destiny is such a popular concept is due to a legacy of mystical thinking and anthropomorphizing, where human traits are attributed to non-living entities. This is where our gods and spirits come from. However, just like them, destiny%26#039;s only in the mind.
Reply:I think they are opposites.
Reply:I truly think so.Freewill is a precious gift given to each human on the planet.Some are destined to be leaders,some followers,some undecided.What influences them?Freewill.
Reply:Again your destiny is set by your free will. It is your free will that defines your destiny.
Reply:yes, they exist together as you know they do.

Non-living things and living things exist together in this Universe.

The collective freewill of all Living beings effects the destiny the Universe.

Reply:They are one in the same.
Reply:Only within a very general sense of %26#039;Destiny%26#039; can free will exist. In example, if a greatest virtue humanity can achieve is referred to as %26#039;Destiny%26#039;, and that alone, then free will is possible.

With our actions determined, free will can only exist as an illusion.
Reply:Fate and Free Will

Free will and destiny are ever existent. Destiny is the result of past action; it concerns the body. Let the body act as may suit it. Why are you concerned about it? Why do you pay attention to it? Free will and destiny last as long as the body lasts. But jnana transcends both. The Self is beyond knowledge and ignorance. Whatever happens, happens as the result of one%26#039;s past actions, of divine will and of other factors.

There are only two ways to conquer destiny or be independent of it. One is to enquire for whom is this destiny and discover that only the ego is bound by destiny and not the Self and that the ego is non-existent.

The other way is to kill the ego by completely surrendering to the Lord, by realizing one%26#039;s helplessness and saying all the time, %26#039;Not I, but Thou, oh Lord%26#039; and giving up all sense of %26#039;I%26#039; and 鈥榤ine鈥? and leaving it to the Lord to do what he likes with you. Complete effacement of the ego is necessary to conquer destiny, whether you achieve this effacement through Self-enquiry or bhakti marga (path).

This is love, is it all or nothing ?

This is love, is it all or nothing ?
it always seems like it is the most---- probably a kind of madness but who cares it is just so wonderful so enjoy, go with the flow and don%26#039;t look for problems as the world really is a wonderful place when you are so affected
This is love, is it all or nothing ?
Love, if it be true, is all there is...

Love, as most people see it, is a transient thing, sometimes it%26#039;s there, and sometimes sex, it%26#039;s an addiction that%26#039;s diificult to put an end to. Many people confuse the two.

Love, as I see it, is all there is....A very powerful thing, but also wondrous, and beautiful.
Reply:Love? It is about taking adventage.

I can%26#039;t explain more, you experience it.
Reply:Yes. If its anything less than all, its not love.

Of course this doesn%26#039;t mean that if it falls apart then it was nothing. There are things which end up severing promises and that interfere with our efforts to stay devoted and together, things that we can%26#039;t control or deal with or find a way around.
Reply:Love is fallacy of religion.
Reply:It is a circle, all -nothing -all -nothing -all -nothing.

Faster and faster, and then we all fall down.

After this we either die or get up and go for it again.......

How about this for good advice for anyone wanting to refine the Collins submarine computerization software ?

%26lt;%26lt;I have found that doing the right thing does not always include doing what my boss %26quot;orders me%26quot; to do. If your boss tells you to do something there usually is an ethics office that recognizes the liability issues. I believe the Pearl Harbor file method of covering your *** is counter productive. Stop working for anybody that has the attributes you seem to think the %26quot;boss%26quot; had.%26gt;%26gt; (by anonimous)

9 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

9 hours ago

Or this analysis, by doug_donaghue

%26lt;%26lt;Just document everything he does and every instruction that he gives you (get them in writing if you can). Then when it hits the fan and they want a head to roll (and it%26#039;s yours), pull out your %26#039;Pearl Harbor%26#039; file and start going over it with his boss. Mention that your Attorney likes to make -lots- of money and that the local TV News just loves these kinds of %26#039;human interest%26#039; stories.