Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Is The Most Terrible Mistake of we human.?

to create someone
What Is The Most Terrible Mistake of we human.?
Eating the apple on the forbidden tree.
What Is The Most Terrible Mistake of we human.?
making animals extinct, and pollution
Reply:Can%26#039;t really say that the %26quot;forbidden fruit%26quot; was an apple, but that was a doozie.

Then there were the crusades, and WWI and WWII and Viet Nam, and war in general...

Making bigger cars, not paying attention to the signs of the supposed %26quot;global warming%26quot;, inventing drugs to remove ourselves from reality, putting some people into power that should not be there (look at Myanmar lately?) Didn%26#039;t the USA have something to do with putting the Taliban in power in the 1980%26#039;s? THAT turned out to be a good idea didn%26#039;t it? (read the sarcasm there)

There are a lot of most terrible mistakes.
Reply:Believing we are superior to the rest of Nature and the Universe. Manifest Destiny was and is the biggest mistake and crock of $%26amp;% there ever was.
Reply:gradually destroying the earth, and we are still continuing the mistake despite knowing it%26#039;s a mistake.
Reply:Electing George W. Bush as President in 2000 and 2004. A terrible mistake twice!!!!
Reply:Not only terrible, a GREAT mistake of Human being is the part or cell of the brain from where we are commanded or forced to do the Satan%26#039;s job sometimes.
Reply:We never learn, we make mistakes again and again...
Reply:not living in moderation
Reply:Mistakes are made by individuals, but assuming you could point out a weak trait in human nature that leads to the most terrible type of mistakes, it would be the proclivity to pretend, or to see patters where there are none.

False patterns are very entertaining, and in the case of language and art, very expressive, but they lead people to assume they are something other than human. They pretend to define themselves under silly labels, and defend silly ideas as a means to their %26quot;self-identity%26quot;. This serves only to divide people into artificial groups, with unjustified boundaries, whether physical or ideological. Most human conflict can be traced to this tendency of people to believe and defend what they pretend to be, against what they pretend not to.

If the individual were to leave pretending to the realm of art, and choose to live a rational life, recognizing his shared nature and values with the rest of humanity, a lot of conflicts could be avoided.
Reply:that is an interesting question.

It is difficult to pinpoint any deed that was a terrible mistake. At the point of acting - each act seems to be the right thing to do! but at a later stage it may seem to be a mistake.

For example we wrote the religious books and created %26quot;God%26quot; and created civilized communiities. Now we find religion to divide people!

We excelled in science and technology that made our lives much easier. Now we find it a source of destruction.

Anyway, I think the hunger for power without taking full responsiblity to bring happiness to all the people - not just a select few - is the most terrible mistake some humans have made in History.

I hope the internet makes it more and more difficult for the leaders to act partially.

Reply:the most terrible mistake is being uninformed.

surely the most dangerous people on earth are those who are uninformed.
Reply:Mistakes, or the judgment are only made in hindsight. A mistake is only a perception of an outcome not the action or choice itself.

If you buy a lottery ticket that loses. It might be a mistake.

If you buy a ticket that wins, well, that might not be considered a mistake.

Until the outcome of the purchase of the ticket happens, it is premature to %26quot;decide%26quot; that a mistake took place.
Reply:This is an answer I used awhile ago to answer a question about evil. Since I believe that human life, each human life, is a supreme value I believe that the worst mistake humans make is negating their lives. Thus, I think my answer to the former question also answers this question correctly.

I think what perpetuates the most evil in the world is ignorance. That the masses of men choose to remain in utter ignorance and then blindly, willingly follow some leader or another that did all the thinking for them, is why that leader was able to succeed. On a large scale, it%26#039;s our own inability and our own fear of actually understanding ourselves and our world that allows for so much evil in the world. After all, what could Hitler and Stalin have accomplished on their own? They would have been nothing if not for the ignorance of man.

When judging and trying to understand another man I find that insecurity leads to hate and fear, which then leads to that person committing evil acts. Killers are not whole people, they do not have a functioning healthy, self esteem. It%26#039;s the absence and denial of such that creates evil.

So the root of all evil is self abnegation.

As far as why we continue to do it, I believe that because of fear people prefer to be unaware of their intrinsic value. I believe tha we negate our lives because we are afraid of them. I believe that it%26#039;s easier to pretend that we are of no value then to create our own value.
Reply:War, pollution, religion etc....
Reply:I would have to say war.It is not only enemy combatants that die,but countless others,who thru no fault of their own are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Reply:Eating a wedding cake!!

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