Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tell me your philosophy i am trying to desipher my own?

i dis agree with some thoughts but all in all i do understadn all of them no matter how foreign they are to this planet!
Tell me your philosophy i am trying to desipher my own?
GOOD practice indeed! We all should desipher (decipher) us all the time! Who I am, what is my duty to be, what to do or not, when to say yes or no etc are the matters one should know. Great Men decipher themselves first before coming with their philosophy.
Tell me your philosophy i am trying to desipher my own?
My philosophy is to live every moment as if I knew that at any moment I would die. following a metephorical path that would change accordingly to how I was to react to a situation. Whether I made a choice to help someone or let them just die on the street for example. I believe in a God that knows me and my desires and intentions. I take the things I see in life whether good or bad and try to apply them to my own life. I keep an awareness about me of the things that are bad or unavoidable and push the fear that they cause away from myself and live without fear so that I may keep my eyes open to the way things are truely happening. I keep my loved ones close and I hunt my enemies with a vengence born into me. I stand for the weak and do not respect any man that hits a woman for I see most women as physically inferior. granted there is always an exception to the rule. I do not seek violence until it becomes the only way to open someone to the Ideas of truth. I study to find the truth in everything and abhore liars. In searching the truth I know that there are some things that are better off left unsaid and so I leave them that way making the path easier to follow for the burden of truth can sometimes overlode a persons mind. I do what is asked of me, as long as it is not for an evil intention, with a glad heart and use the repetitions in life to help see the patterns embedded in the universe around us.

that is my philosophy on life in general. does it always work.... when I let it.
Reply:I don%26#039;t have a philosophy yet.

I%26#039;m still learning and once I overcome my ignorance I%26#039;ll be in a much better shape to have one =)
Reply:Oh, neat! An Exoterrian Philosopher!

I like you have been searching for the lost Dialogs of XeoZero, the great philosopher of Murk. Studying the philosophies of other planets is such a fertile field of study. I surprised that there are not more universities that have Exroterrian philosophies.

Since you are restricted, for the time being, to the planet earth, perhaps you could start with the Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus. Assuming you can get a copy that has been translated and desisyphered. As you probably know Camus wrote in an almost impenetrable code that had to be deciphered and demystified. Fortunately he died at an early age.

After you have exhausted Camus you might also want to read %26quot;Either/Or%26quot;, a two volume set by Kierkegaard. Again you will need a good translation but anything after 1950 should do the trick.

Getting to know yourself, when all is said and done, is not any different than getting to know an alien from another planet.
Reply:Do unto other as you would have done unto thee is a pretty firm foundational statute to abide by. Do no harm is the Buddhist equivalent. Love as you would be loved.

The gaining of understanding is a journey likened to many pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. These pieces each have a predetermined place in the great tapestry of life. It is mans task to recognise and place them appropriately with teh tool of understanding until he creates a picture of wisdom and absolute truth.

Truth is a perfect foundation, concise, quantum, and steadfast upon which man bases his entire reasoning, thought and basis鈥檚 his fate determining life decisions. The pursuit of knowledge is attempted with a love of truth and light, without which knowledge becomes merely a mass of conflicting and contradictory edicts.

Love is the ultimate liberator. Reason and understanding lead man to be able to love entirely and absolutely that which brings peace and freedom to his spirit.
Reply:See God in everything and act accordingly.
Reply:be open to other ideas, also learn and understand much.

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